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    Quiet Calm

    Gentle Warriors

    Clears Heat, dispels Phlegm, focuses the Mind, and elevates the Spirit. This formula reconciles the relationships between the Kidney, Liver and Heart, and nurtures the Brain and Marrow. By nourishing the function of the nervous system, Quiet Calm supports children in cultivating their self-regulating capacities and maintaining their emotional equilibrium.

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    Quiet Calm clears Heat, dispels Phlegm, focuses the Mind, and elevates the Spirit. This formula reconciles the relationships between the Kidney, Liver and Heart, and nurtures the Brain and Marrow. By nourishing the function of the nervous system, Quiet Calm assists children in cultivating their self-regulating capacities and maintaining their emotional equilibrium.

    Quiet Calm is safe and sound. It is neither a sedative nor a tranquilizer, but rather a nurturer of the Brain and Marrow and a conciliator of the relationship between the Kidneys, Liver and Heart.

    Because of their natural openness, sensitivity and responsiveness, babies, toddlers and even older children are more likely than adults to become stressed out when they are tired, hungry, frustrated or overexcited. While enthusiastic toward new experiences and learning, children have a limited tolerance for the stressors of daily life. Sometimes all it takes is a little support – a break, a nap, a snack, a cuddle or some soothing herbal tea to restore calm and focus.

    Like the digestive and respiratory systems, the mind and nervous system of a young child are rapidly changing. Many youngsters have not yet learned how to adjust smoothly to the flux that surrounds them and the enormous changes that are occurring internally. Though healthy, robust children appear outwardly tough and resilient, their immaturity and inexperience make them vulnerable to overstimulation and information overload. Often, but not always, tantrums, crying spells, nightmares, agitation, irritability and anxiety are harbingers of the normal and expected evidence of growth: teething, hormonal surges, sudden hungers and food cravings, meeting new people, adapting to playgroups and babysitters, urges toward independence, and fears surrounding separation, peer group pressure, school rules and achievement all conspire to upset the apple cart of daily life for the infant, toddler as well as the older child.

    Any interruption of routine, enjoyable or not, expected or not, can undermine a child’s equilibrium, resulting in mood swings and hypersensitivity. It’s especially challenging for older, verbal children who are beginning to recognize and delight in their own competence and power to suddenly be unable to accomplish a task, or even know what it is that will satisfy them – they need help in recovering their usual attitude of cheerful curiosity, and a sense of ease within themselves. The additional expectation for young, school-age children to sit quietly at their desks, self-consciously focus their attention and not be distracted by nearby activities adds another challenge to their capacity to cope with stress.


    Quiet Calm is a melding of Wild Jujube Seed Decoction (Suan Zao Ren Tang) for allaying occasional agitation, insomnia and anxiety, plus Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction (Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin) for relieving occasional nervousness and reducing tension. Together they soothe nerves, relax the Liver, tame the Mind/Hun and quiet the Heart, enfolding the Mind/Spirit while subduing the uprising of Liver Yang (also known as the stirring of Internal Wind).

    Dry fried Sour jujube seed, Polygala root, Polygonum multiflorum stem, Lotus seed, Silk tree bark and flower, Amber resin and Poria with wood root soothe the Mind/Spirit (Shen), stabilize the Mind/Hun and clarify the senses (clear Heat and Phlegm from the Upper Orifices). Gambir stem branch and twig, Gastrodia rhizome, Silkworm and Gardenia fruit subdue Liver Yang and Internal Wind, clear Heat and allay occasional irritability, tension and restlessness. Lily bulb, Anemarrhena rhizome and Schisandra fruit clear deficiency Heat by replenishing and consolidating Moisture and restoring stability of Qi and Shen. Red tangerine peel and Chinese licorice root and rhizome aid digestion and harmonization of the herbal ingredients while toning Stomach Qi, preventing stagnation due to the excessive accumulation of Moisture (retention of Dampness).

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