All ProductsKan SinglesKan Singles are highly concentrated extracts of individual Chinese and Western herbs.Clear All FiltersProduct Line: Kan SinglesClient TypecloseFor AdultscloseFor PetscloseFor ChildrenFormulacloseAmerican Ginseng root (Xi Yang Shen)closeAnchor the Yang (Jiang Ya Wan)closeAngelica and Eucommia Support Formula (Yao tong pian)closeAngelica Restorative Formula (Dang gui pian)closeAntiphlogistic Formula (Chuan xin lian kang yan pian)closeAPR Nourishing Formula (Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan)closeArouse Vigor (Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang)closeAscending Clarity (Ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang)closeAstragalus root (Huang Qi)closeAugmented Four Substances (Tao hong si wu tang)closeAugmented Plum Pit Qi (Ban xia hou po tang)closeBenefit Hips and Knees Formula (Xiao Chai Hu Jia Qin Jiao Tang)closeBi Yan Pian (Bi yan pian)closeBlood's Mansion (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang)closeBlood's Palace (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang)closeBlue Green Lung Formula (Xiao qing long tang)closeBreathEase (Ding Chuan Tang)closeBright Eye Rehmannia (Ming mu di huang wan)closeBupleurum and Four Substance Decoction (Chai Hu Si Wu Tang)closeBupleurum and Kudzu Clearing Formula (Jia Wei Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang)closeBupleurum root (Chai Hu)closeBupleurum Soothing Liver Formula (Chai hu shu gan tang)closeCalm Breath Formula (Ning Sou Wan)closeCalm Dragon Formula (Chai hu jia long gu mu li tang)closeCalm Repose (Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin)closeCelestial Emperor's Blend (Tian wang bu xin dan)closeChinese Hawthorne fruit (Shan Zha)closeChinese Red Ginseng root (Shi Zhu Hong Ren Shen)closeChinese White Ginseng root (Ji Lin Bai Ren Shen)closeChrysanthemum flower (Huang Ju Hua)closeCinnamon Twig Decoction (Gui zhi tang)closeCinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell (Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang)closeClear Channels (Gui zhi shao yao zhi mu tang)closeClear Mind (Bu nao wan)closeClear Stone Formula (Shi Lin Tong, Wu Lin San)closeClear the Lower Palace (Wen dai tang and Bei xie fen qing yin)closeColorful Phoenix Pearl Combination (Cai feng zhen zhu an chuang wan)closeCompassionate Sage (Hu Po Yang Xin Dan)closeConsolidate Moisture (Mu Li San, Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan)closeCool Salvia Formula (Dan shen yin)closeCool the Blood (Qing Ying Tang)closeCopticlear (Huang lian su pian)closeCoptidetox (Huang lian jie du tang)closeCordyceps (Dong Chong Xia Cao)closeCoriolus (Yun Zhi)closeCorydalis rhizome (Yan Hu Suo)closeDamp Heat Derma Relief (Long Dan Er Miao San)closeDang Gui and Peony Support Formula (Dang Gui Shao Yao San)closeDang Gui Si Ni Tang (Dang Gui Si Ni Tang)closeDerma Wind Release (Xiao feng san)closeDigestive Harmony Formula (Bao He Wan)closeDispel Dampness and Nourish the Skin (Chu Shi Wei Ling Tang)closeDispel Invasion (Jing Fang Bai Du San)closeDispel Stasis in the Lower Burner (Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang)closeDispel Stasis in the Lower Palace (Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang)closeDispel Stasis in the Mansion of Blood (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang)closeDispel Stasis in the Middle Palace (Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang)closeDispel Stasis in the Palace of Blood (Jia Wei Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang)closeDong Quai and Anemarrhena (Dang gui nian tong tang)closeDong Quai and Six Yellows Decoction (Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang)closeDrain the Middle (Ban xia xie xin tang)closeDrive Out Stasis (Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang)closeDry Derma Relief (Si Wu Xiao Feng Yin)closeDynamic Warrior (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan)closeEarly Comfort (Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San)closeEleuthero root (Ci Wu Jia)closeEucommia and Rehmannia Combination (You Gui Wan)closeEucommia bark (Du Zhong)closeFemale Comfort (Kun bao tang)closeFire the Yang (Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan)closeFive Peels Formula (Wu Pi San)closeFive Seeds Formula (Wu Ren Wan)closeFour Cold Extremities (Si Ni San)closeFour Gentlemen (Si Jun Zi Tang)closeFour Marvels (Si Miao San)closeFour Substances (Si wu tang)closeFour Wonders (Si miao wan)closeFragrant Jade (Cang er zi san & Yu ping feng san)closeFree and Easy Wanderer (Xiao yao san)closeFree the Sinews (Yi Yi Ren Tang)closeGan Mao Ling (Gan mao ling)closeGastrodia and Uncaria Wind Relief (Tian ma gou teng yin)closeGather Vitality (Gui Pi Tang)closeGenerate the Qi Formula (Sheng Mai San)closeGinseng and Astragalus Combination (Ren shen huang qi san)closeGlehnia and Rehmannia Combination (Yi Guan Jian)closeGraceful Branches (Juan bi tang)closeGraceful Transition (Zuo gui yin)closeGracious Power (Yi Guan Jian)closeGreat Mender Formula (Jin Gu Die Da Shang Wan)closeGreat White Lung Formula (Ma xing zhi ke pian)closeHappy Wanderer (Xiao Yao San)closeHarmonize the Qi (Xiao Chai Hu Tang)closeHarmonize the Stomach (Ping Wei San)closeInitial Defense (Yin Qiao San, Sang Ju Yin)closeInvigorate the Collaterals (Huo luo xiao ling dan)closeIrritease (Tong xie yao fang & Huo xiang zheng qi san)closeIsatis root (Ban Lan Gen)closeJade Fluid Decoction (Yu Ye Tang)closeJade Moon Phase 1 Regulate (Tao Hong Si Wu Tang)closeJade Spring Nourishing Formula (Yu quan wan)closeJade Windscreen (Yu ping feng san)closeJujube Seed (Suan Zao Ren Chao)closeKudzu Releasing Formula (Ge gen tang)closeLi Dan Support (Li dan pian)closeLift the Qi (Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang)closeLinking Decoction (Yi Guan Jian and Er Zhi Wan)closeLiver Flow (Shu gan wan)closeLiver Support Formula (Bu Gan Tang)closeLotus Nourishing Formula (Qing xin lian zi yin)closeLucid Channel (Er Chen Tang)closeLuminescence (Dang gui yin zi)closeLung Qi Release (Zhi sou san)closeLycii fruit (Gou Qi Zi)closeMaitake (Wu Rong)closeMeridian Circulation (Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang)closeMeridian Comfort (Gui Zhi Jia Ge Gen Tang and Qiang Huo Shen Shi Tang)closeMeridian Passage (Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang and Mo Yao Xiang Sheng Dan)closeMilk Thistle Seed (Shui Fei Ji )closeMinor Bupleurum (Xiao chai hu tang)closeNourish Jade Yang (Yu lin zhu jia ba ji tian dan shen xiang fu hua jiao)closeNourish Jade Yin (Yang jing zhong yu tang and Er zhi wan)closeOne Mind (Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang)closeOpen the Liver Canals (Xiao Chai Hu Jia Yu Jin Tang)closePeaceful Earth (Kang ning wan)closePeaceful Shen (Wen dan tang & Shi wei wen dan tan)closePeaceful Sleep (An Mian Pian)closePeony and Licorice Formula (Shao yao gan cao tang)closePinellia Dispersing Formula (Qing qi hua tan wan)closePlum Pit Qi (Ban xia hou po tang)closePolygonum Multiflorum Root (Zhi He Shou Wu)closePoria (Fu Ling)closeProsperous Farmer (Liu Jun Zi Tang)closeProstate Support (Qian Lie Xian)closeProtect the Middle (Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San)closeQing Fei Clearing Formula (Qing fei yi huo pian)closeQuell Fire (Long Dan Xie Gan Tang)closeQuick River (Xiao Huo Luo Dan)closeQuiet Contemplative (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan)closeRehmannia Eight (Ba Wei Di Huang Wan)closeRehmannia Eight Combination (Ba Wei Di Huang Wan)closeRehmannia Six (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan)closeReishi (Ling Zhi)closeRejuvenate and Regulate Decoction (Huang Qi Ren Shen Tang)closeRelaxed Wanderer (Xiao Yao San)closeRelease Restraint (Yue ju wan)closeRelieving Formula (Ba zheng san)closeReplenish the Left (Zuo gui yin)closeReplenish the Right (You gui wan)closeRescue Formula (Gan mai da zao tang)closeRescue the Spirit (An Shen Ding Zhi Wan)closeRestore Integrity (Shut the Sluice Pill, Sang Piao Xiao San)closeRestore Restraint (Sang Piao Xiao San)closeSchisandra fruit (Wu Wei Zi)closeSettle the Will Decoction (Ding Zhi Tang Jia Wei)closeSettle the Yang (Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang)closeShen Ling Spleen Support (Shen ling bai zhu san)closeSiler and Coix Clearing Formula (Qing shang fang feng tang jia yi yi ren)closeSilken Tresses (Qi bao mei ran dan)closeSix Gentlemen (Liu jun zi tang)closeSix Gentlepets (Liu Jun Zi Tang)closeSmooth Response (Run chang wan)closeSophora Support (Huai jiao wan)closeSpine Lithe (Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang)closeSpleen Support Formula (Wei Ling Tang)closeSteady Centeredness (Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, Fang Feng Tang)closeStomach Support (Qing wei san & Yu nu jian)closeSubdue Head Wind (Chuan xiong cha tiao san)closeSubdue Internal Wind (Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang)closeSubdue Liver Fire (Long Dan Xie Gan Tang)closeSublime Joint Formula (Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin)closeTemper Fire (Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan)closeTen Treasures (Shi quan da bu tang)closeThree Seeds Combination (San Ren Tang)closeTransform Accumulation in the Channels (Nei Xiao Luo Li Wan)closeTraumease (Yu Nan Bai Yao)closeTraveler's Comfort (Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan & Wu Mei Wan (modified))closeTremella (Bai Mu Er)closeTrue Warrior Formula (Zhen Wu Tang)closeTwo Immortals (Er Xian Tang)closeUrinary Support Formula (Pang Guang Zhu Yu Tang)closeWarm the Flow (Wen Jing Tang)closeWarm the Stomach (Ping Wei San)closeWater's Way (Wu Ling San)closeWei Te Ling (Wei Te Ling)closeWhite Tiger (Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang)closeWise Judge (Sha Shen Mai Dong Yin, Sheng Mai San)closeWomen's Chamber (Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan)closeWomen's Journey (Wen Jing Tang)closeWomen's Precious (Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan)closeWomen's Rhythm (Tong Yu Jian)closeYin Fountain (Mai Wei Di Huang Wan)closeYin Qiao (Yin Qiao San)closeZhong Gan Ling (Zhong Gan Ling)closeZizyphus Sleep Formula (Suan Zao Ren Tang)HerbcloseAbalone shell (Shi jue ming)closeAchyranthes root (Huai niu xi)closeAdenophora root (Nan sha shen)closeAgrimony herb (Xian he cao )closeAltaica rhizome (Jiu jie chang pu)closeAmber resin (Hu po)closeAmerican ginseng root (Xi yang shen)closeAndrographis herb (Chuan xin lian)closeAnemarrhena rhizome (Zhi mu)closeApricot seed (Xing ren)closeArnebia root (Zi cao)closeAromatic Solomon’s seal rhizome (Yu zhu)closeArtemesia herb (Liu ji nu)closeAsian water plantain rhizome (Ze xie)closeAsiatic cornelian cherry (Shan zhu yu)closeAstragalus root (Huang qi)closeAstragalus seed (Sha yuan zi)closeBamboo secretion (Tian zhu huang)closeBamboo shavings (Zhu ru)closeBarbed skullcap herb (Ban zhi lian)closeBee honey (Feng mi)closeBile prepared arisaema rhizome (Dan nan xing)closeBiota seed (Bai zi ren)closeBlack jujube fruit (Hei zao)closeBorneol crystal (Mei pian)closeBroomrape herb (Rou cong rong)closeBulrush pollen (Pu huang)closeBupleurum root (Chai hu)closeBurdock fruit (Niu bang zi)closeBushy knotweed rhizome and root (Hu zhang)closeCang-zhu atractylodes rhizome (Cang zhu)closeCapillaris herb (Yin chen hao)closeCarthamus flower (Hong hua)closeCascara sagrada bark (Cascara sagrada)closeCassia seed (Jue ming zi)closeChaga mycelium and fruiting body (Chaga)closeCharred bulrush pollen (Pu huang tan)closeCharred Chinese hawthorn fruit (Shan zha tan)closeChinese amomum fruit (Sha ren ren)closeChinese ash bark (Qin pi)closeChinese asparagus tuber (Tian men dong)closeChinese cardamom fruit (Bai dou kou)closeChinese cinnamon bark (Rou gui)closeChinese cinnamon twig (Gui zhi)closeChinese dodder seed (Tu si zi)closeChinese gentian root and rhizome (Long dan cao)closeChinese hawthorn fruit (Shan zha)closeChinese licorice root and rhizome (Gan cao)closeChinese lovage root and rhizome (Gao ben)closeChinese mint herb (Bo he)closeChinese motherwort fruit (Chong wei zi)closeChinese mugwort leaf (Ai ye)closeChinese pink dianthus herb (Qu mai)closeChinese pulsatilla root (Bai tou weng)closeChinese quince fruit (Mu gua)closeChinese red ginseng root and rhizome (Hong ren shen)closeChinese red peony root (Chi shao)closeChinese rhubarb rhizome and root (Da huang)closeChinese salvia root and rhizome (Dan shen)closeChinese skullcap root (Huang qin)closeChinese smilax rhizome (Tu fu ling)closeChinese tinospora stem (Kuan jin teng)closeChinese yam rhizome (Shan yao)closeChrysanthemum flower (Ju hua)closeCicada moulting (Chan tui)closeCimicifuga rhizome (Sheng ma)closeClove flower (Ding xiang)closeCnidium fruit (She chuang zi)closeCodonopsis root (Dang shen)closeCoptis rhizome (Huang lian)closeCordyceps mycelium and fruiting body (Dong chong xia cao)closeCoriolus mycelium and fruiting body (Coriolus,Turkey Tail)closeCranesbill herb (Lao guan cao)closeCurculigo rhizome (Xian mao)closeCuttlefish bone (Hai piao xiao)closeCyathula root (Chuan niu xi)closeCynanchum root and rhizome (Bai qian)closeDandelion herb (Pu gong ying)closeDeer horn gelatin (soybean) (Lu jiao jiao)closeDictamnus root bark (Bai xian pi)closeDong quai root (Dang gui shen)closeDong quai root tail (Dang gui wei)closeDragon bone (Long gu)closeDragon's blood palm resin (Xue jie)closeDry fried achyranthes root (Chao huai niu xi)closeDry fried anemarrhena rhizome (Chao zhi mu)closeDry fried apricot seed (Chao xing ren)closeDry fried barley sprout (Chao mai ya )closeDry fried bitter orange immature fruit (Chao zhi shi)closeDry fried bitter orange mature fruit (Chao zhi ke )closeDry fried black sesame seed (Hei zhi ma)closeDry fried Chinese cinnamon twig (Chao gui zhi)closeDry fried Chinese yam rhizome (Chao shan yao)closeDry fried Japanese bush cherry seed (Chao yu li ren)closeDry fried kudzu root (Chao ge gen)closeDry fried millet or rice sprout (Chao gu ya)closeDry fried peeled peach seed (Guang chao tao ren)closeDry fried plantain seed (Chao che qian zi)closeDry fried skullcap root (Chao huang qin)closeDry fried sour jujube seed (Chao suan zao ren)closeDry fried white atractylodes rhizome (Chao bai zhu)closeDry fried white peony root (Chao bai shao)closeDrynaria rhizome (Gu sui bu)closeEarthworm (Di long)closeEclipta herb (Han lian cao)closeEleuthero root and rhizome (Ci wu jia )closeEleutherococcus root and rhizome (Wu jia pi)closeEpimedium herb (Yin yang huo)closeErythrina bark (Hai tong pi)closeEucommia bark (Du zhong)closeEupatorium herb (Pei lan)closeEuropean verbena herb (Ma bian cao)closeEuryale seed (Qian shi )closeEvodia fruit (Wu zhu yu)closeEvodia lepta root and branch (San cha ku)closeFennel fruit (Xiao hui xiang)closeFenugreek seed (Hu lu ba)closeField thistle herb (Xiao ji)closeFinger citron fruit (Fo shou)closeFlammulina mycelium and fruiting body (Flammulina)closeFlax seed (Ya ma zi)closeFluorite (Zi shi ying)closeForsythia fruit (Lian qiao)closeFragrant angelica root (Bai zhi)closeFrankincense resin (Ru xiang)closeGambir stem branch and twig (Gou teng)closeGardenia fruit (Zhi zhi)closeGardenia fruit (Zhi zi)closeGarlic bulb (Da suan)closeGastrodia rhizome (Tian ma)closeGecko (Ge jie)closeGiant puffball fruiting body (Ma bo)closeGinger cured pinellia rhizome (Jiang ban xia)closeGinger peel (Gan jiang pi)closeGinger rhizome (Gan jiang)closeGinkgo leaf (Yin guo ye)closeGinkgo seed (Bai guo)closeGleditsia spine (Zao jiao ci)closeGlehnia root (Bei sha shen)closeGreen tea leaf (Cha ye)closeGypsum (Sheng shi gao)closeHaizhou elsholtzia herb (Xiang ru)closeHalloysite (Chi shi zi)closeHematite (Dai zhe shi)closeHimematsutake mycelium and fruiting body (Himematsutake)closeHomalomena rhizome (Qian nian jian)closeHoney fried astragalus root (Zhi huang qi)closeHoney fried Chinese licorice root and rhizome (Zhi gan cao)closeHoney fried purple aster root (Mi zhi zi wan)closeHoney fried stemona root (Zhi bai bu)closeHoneysuckle flower (Jin yin hua)closeHyacinth bean (Bai bian dou)closeImperata rhizome (Bai mao gen)closeInula flower (Xuan fu hua)closeIsatis leaf (Da qing ye)closeIsatis root (Ban lan gen)closeJapanese ampelopsis root (Bai lian)closeJapanese climbing fern spore (Hai jin sha)closeJapanese dioscorea rhizome (Chuan shan long)closeJapanese helwingia pith (Xiao tong cao)closeJapanese sophora fruit (Huai jiao)closeJob's tears seed (Yi yi ren)closeKadsura pepper vine (Hai feng teng)closeKnotweed herb (Bian xu)closeKochia fruit (Di fu zi)closeKudzu flower (Ge hua)closeKudzu root (Ge gen)closeLarge-leafed gentian root (Qin jiao)closeLepidium seed (Ting li zi)closeLicorice cured pinellia rhizome (Fa ban xia)closeLigustrum fruit (Nu zhen zi)closeLigustrum fruit (Nü zhen zi)closeLily bulb (Bai he)closeLindera tuber (Wu yao)closeLitchi seed (Li zhe he)closeLong pepper fruit (Bi ba)closeLongan aril (Long yan rou)closeLonicera stem (Ren dong teng)closeLophatherum herb (Dan zhu ye)closeLoquat leaf (Pi pa ye)closeLoranthus herb (Sang ji sheng)closeLotus plumule (Lian zi xin)closeLotus root node (Ou jie)closeLotus seed (Lian zi )closeLotus stamen (Lian xu)closeLuffa skeleton of mature fruit (Si gua luo)closeLycium bark (Di gu pi)closeLycium fruit (Gou qi zi)closeLysimachia herb (Jin qian cao)closeMagnetite (Duan ci shi)closeMagnolia bark (Hou po)closeMagnolia flower (Xin yi hua)closeMaitake mycelium and fruiting body (Maitake)closeMaitake mycelium and fruiting body (Wu rong)closeMedicated leaven (Shen qu)closeMelia fruit (Chuan lian zi)closeMilk thistle seed (Milk thistle)closeMorinda root (Ba ji tian)closeMorinda root (Bai ji tian)closeMorinda root (Zhi ba ji tian)closeMother-of-pearl shell (Zhen zhu mu)closeMume fruit (Wu mei)closeMyrrh resin (Mo yao)closeNotopterygium root and rhizome (Qiang huo)closeNutmeg seed (Rou dou kou )closeOldenlandia herb (Bai hua she she cao)closeOphiopogon tuber (Mai men dong)closeOriental arbovitea leafy twig (Ce bai ye)closeOyster shell (Duan mu li)closePalmleaf raspberry fruit (Fu pen zi)closePatchouli herb (Guang huo xiang)closePatrinia herb (Bai jiang cao)closePearl (Zhen zhu)closePerilla fruit (Zi su zi)closePerilla leaf (Zi su ye)closePeucedanum root (Qian hu)closePhellodendron bark (Huang bai)closePhellodendron bark (Huang bai)closePhragmites rhizome (Lu gen)closePlantain herb (Che qian cao)closePlantain seed (Che qian zi)closePlatycodon root (Jie geng)closePolygala root (Yuan zhi)closePolygonum multiflorum stem (Ye jiao teng)closePolyporus sclerotium (Zhu ling)closePoria (Fu ling)closePoria root skin (Fu ling pi)closePoria with wood root (Fu shen mu)closePoria with wood root (Fu Shen Mu)closePrepared aconite root (Zhi fu zi)closePrepared Chinese arisaema rhizome (Zhi tian nan xing)closePrepared corydalis yanhusuo tuber (Zhi yan hu suo)closePrepared cyperus rhizome (Zhi xiang fu)closePrepared ginger rhizome (Pao jiang)closePrepared rehmannia root (Shu di huang)closePrepared soybean seed (Dan dou chi)closeProcessed polygonum multiflorum root (soybean) (Zhi he shou wu)closeProcessed Sichuan aconite main root (Zhi chuan wu)closePrunella fruit spike (Xia ku cao)closePseudostellaria root (Tai zi shen)closePsoralea fruit (Bu gu zhi)closePubescent angelica root (Du huo)closePubescent holly root (Mao dong qing)closePurple aster root and rhizome (Zi wan)closePyrola herb (Lu xian cao)closePyrrosia leaf (Shi wei)closeQuisqualis fruit (Shi jun zi)closeRadish seed (Lai fu zi)closeRaw rehmannia root (Sheng di huang)closeRed jujube fruit (Hong zao)closeRed tangerine peel (Ju hong )closeReishi fruiting body (Ling zhi)closeSandalwood (Tan xiang)closeSanguisorba root (Di yu)closeSargassum herb (Hai zao)closeSargentodoxa vine (Hong teng)closeSaussurea root (Mu xiang)closeSaw palmetto fruit (Saw palmetto)closeSchisandra fruit (Wu wei zi)closeSchizonepeta herb (Jing jie)closeScrophularia root (Xuan shen)closeSelaginella herb (Shi shang bai)closeSharp-leaf ganangal fruit (Yi zhi ren)closeShiitake mycelium and fruiting body (Shiitake)closeShiny bugleweed herb (Ze lan)closeShiny-leaf prickly ash root (Liang mian zhen)closeShrubby sophora root (Ku shen)closeSiberian motherwort herb (Yi mu cao)closeSichuan fritillary bulb (Chuan bei mu)closeSichuan lovage rhizome (Chuan xiong)closeSichuan pepper pericarp (Hua jiao)closeSichuan teasel root (Xu duan)closeSiler root (Fang feng)closeSilk tree bark (He huan pi)closeSilk tree flower (He huan hua)closeSilkworm (Jiang can)closeSimple-leaf chaste tree fruit (Man jing zi)closeSoft rush pith (Deng xin cao)closeSpatholobus stem (Ji xue teng)closeSt. John's Wort herb (Guan ye jin si tao)closeStar jasmine stem (Luo shi teng)closeSteamed rhubarb rhizome and root (Zhi da huang)closeSwallowwort root and rhizome (Bai wei)closeSweet wormwood herb (Qing hao)closeTalc (Hua shi)closeTangerine dried rind of green fruit (Qing pi )closeTangerine dried rind of mature fruit (Chen pi)closeTangerine seed (Ju he)closeTienchi ginseng root and rhizome (Tian qi)closeTokoro yam rhizome (Bi xie )closeTorreya seed (Fei zi)closeTree peony root bark (Mu dan pi)closeTremella mycelium and fruiting body (Bai mu er)closeTribulus fruit (Ba ji li)closeTribulus fruit (Bai ji li)closeTrichosanthes root (Tian hua fen)closeTrichosanthes seed (Gua lou ren)closeTurmeric rhizome (Jiang huang)closeTurmeric root tuber (Yu jin)closeVaccaria seed (Wang bu liu xing )closeVietnamese sophora root and rhizome (Shan dou gen)closeVinegar prepared sparganium rhizome (Cu san leng)closeVinegar prepared zedoary rhizome (Cu e zhu)closeWalnut (Hu tao ren)closeWelsh onion bulb (Cong bai)closeWheat seed (Fu xiao mai )closeWhite Asian ginseng root and rhizome (Bai ren shen)closeWhite atractylodes rhizome (Bai zhu)closeWhite mulberry fruit (Sang shen zi)closeWhite mulberry leaf (Sang ye)closeWhite mulberry root bark (Sang bai pi)closeWhite mulberry twig (Sang zhi)closeWhite mustard seed (Bai jie zi)closeWhite peony root (Bai shao)closeWild chrysanthemum flower (Ye ju hua)closeWinter melon peel (Dong gua pi)closeXanthium fruit (Cang er zi)closeZhejiang fritillary bulb (Zhe bei mu)Patternclose Damp Heat Accumulationclose Qi Stagnation in the upper Abdomenclose Rebellious Stomach and Lung Qiclose Restrains the Leakage of Fluids or EssencecloseAccumulation of DampnesscloseBladder losing its restraintcloseBlockage of all three Yang levelscloseBlood and Qi Stagnation in the Lower BurnercloseBlood deficiencycloseBlood deficiency and/or Blood stasis with Wind Heat Damp invasioncloseBlood deficiency intestinal drynesscloseBlood deficiency with a tendency towards ColdcloseBlood deficiency with Blood stasiscloseBlood stagnationcloseBlood Stagnation in the Upper BurnercloseBlood stasiscloseBlood stasis and fluid accumulating in the Lower JiaocloseBlood stasis in lower abdomencloseBlood stasis in the bladdercloseBlood Stasis in the Lower BurnercloseBlood Stasis in the Middle BurnercloseBlood Stasis in the Upper BurnercloseBlood stasis with HeatcloseBlood stasis with Heat, Damp Heat, Wind and/or Wind accumulationcloseBlood vacuity and/or stasiscloseCold accumulation in the Lower BurnercloseCold and Heat in the Middle BurnercloseCold invasion in the vessels and channelscloseCongealed Blood in the lower abdomencloseconstrained Lung and Stomach QicloseDamp and Coldness Stagnation in the Spleen and StomachcloseDamp and Phlegm AccumulationcloseDamp Cold stagnation in the Middle BurnercloseDamp HeatcloseDamp Heat accumulating in the Middle BurnercloseDamp Heat Accumulation in the BladdercloseDamp Heat accumulation in the Lower BurnercloseDamp Heat in the LivercloseDamp Heat in the Lower BurnercloseDamp Heat in the Stomach and IntestinescloseDamp Heat in the Urinary BladdercloseDamp Heat Invasionclosedamp heat invasion of skincloseDamp Heat lodging in the Large IntestinecloseDampnesscloseDefensive (Wei) Qi and Lung Qi deficiencycloseDefensive (Wei) Qi deficiencycloseDeficiency and Cold of the Penetrating (Chong) and Conception (Ren) vesselscloseDeficiency Heatclosedeficiency of the Penetrating and Conception Vessels (Chong Mai and Ren Mai)closedeficient body fluidsclosedeficient Heart and Kidney QicloseDeficient Kidney Fire (deficient Kidney Yin with empty Fire)closeDeficient Liver Yin with stagnant Qiclosedeficient Yin of the Three BurnerscloseDepleted Conception (Ren mai) and Penetrating (Chong mai) vesselsclosedepleted Heart Bloodclosedisharmony between Stomach and Gallbladderclosedisturbed Heart Spirit (Shen)closedisturbed Spirit-Mind (Shen) and Etheral Soul (Hun)closeEarth in turbulencecloseespecially of the Upper BurnercloseExcess and deficiency in the Middle BurnercloseExcess Jin Ye fluidscloseExcess Liver FirecloseExcess Liver Wind and Yang with deficient Kidney Essence (Jing)closeExcess or deficiency in the Girdle Vessel (Dai Mai)closeExcess PhlegmcloseExterior invasion with underlying Yin deficiencycloseExterior Wind Cold invading at the Tai Yang stagecloseExterior Wind Heat invasioncloseExterior Wind invasioncloseExternal invasion of Wind Cold with Internal Phlegm Damp accumulation in the Upper JiaocloseExternal Wind invasioncloseExternal Wind lodged in the interiorcloseFire or Heat in the Heart ChannelcloseFood stagnationcloseFood stagnation affecting the Spleen and Stomach with Damp accumulation and stagnationcloseGallbladder or Triple Burner meridianscloseHeart and Gallbladder deficiencycloseHeart and Kidney not communicatingcloseHeart and Kidney Yin deficiencycloseHeart Blood and Qi deficiencycloseHeart Blood deficiency with HeatcloseHeart Blood stasiscloseHeart FirecloseHeart Qi deficiencycloseHeart unable to store Spirit (Shen)closeHeart Yin and Blood deficiencycloseHeart Yin deficiencycloseHeart, Liver, Lung and Kidney deficiency closeHeart/Mind knotted and chaoticcloseHeat and Blazing Fire lodged in the Upper BurnercloseHeat in the BloodcloseHot-Cold and excess-deficiency disrupting the Spleen/Stomach Consciousness of Potentials (YicloseInternal Cold Damp accumulationcloseInternal Damp stagnation with surface contraction of Wind ColdcloseInternal WindcloseInternal Wind Phlegm due to Spleen Qi deficiency and Phlegm obstructing the headcloseIntestinal WindcloseInvasion of Wind Heat or Wind Cold into the Lung and Yang channels of the headcloseJin Ye deficiencycloseKidney and Liver deficiencycloseKidney and Liver Yin deficiencycloseKidney and Lung Qi deficiencycloseKidney deficiencycloseKidney Essence deficiencycloseKidney Qi deficiencycloseKidney Qi, Yin, Yang DeficiencycloseKidney Yang and Essence (Jing) deficiencycloseKidney Yang deficiencycloseKidney Yang deficiency and/or Lung Qi deficiencycloseKidney Yin and Essence deficiencycloseKidney Yin and Jing deficiencycloseKidney Yin and Yang deficiency with deficient Fire ascendingcloseKidney Yin deficiencycloselack of communication between the Heart and KidneycloseLiver and Gall Bladder Qi stagnationcloseLiver and Gallbladder Damp Heat or FirecloseLiver and Heart Blood deficiencycloseLiver and Heart Blood deficiency and Blood stasiscloseLiver and Heart Yin deficiencycloseLiver and Kidney Yin deficiencycloseLiver and Spleen disharmonycloseLiver and Stomach disharmony with rebellious Qi of the Lungs and Stomach producing PhlegmcloseLiver Blood deficiencycloseLiver Blood deficiency causing occasional DrynesscloseLiver Blood deficiency engendering WindcloseLiver FirecloseLiver invading the StomachcloseLiver overacting on the Spleen and StomachcloseLiver Qi depression with Blood stasis above the diaphragm and in the chestcloseLiver Qi stagnationcloseLiver Qi stagnation with the "Six Stagnations"closeLiver WindcloseLiver Yang risingcloseLiver Yin and Blood deficiencycloseLiver Yin and Blood deficiency with Qi stagnationcloseLiver Yin deficiencycloseLiver-Lung Yin deficiencycloseLiver/Spleen disharmony with Dampness and Heat. closeLung and Kidney Qi deficiencycloseLung and Kidney Yin deficiencycloseLung HeatcloseLung Heat with PhlegmcloseLung Qi deficiencycloseLung Yin deficiencycloseNutritive Qi blocked by ColdcloseOccasional dryness in the Intestines due to YincloseOriginal Qi exhaustedclosePhelgm Heat in the LungsclosePhlegm accumulationclosePhlegm accumulation in the channelsclosePhlegm affecting the Middle Burner, Heart, Liver, and Lung meridiansclosePhlegm and Heat lodged in the ChannelsclosePhlegm and Liver Qi stagnationclosePhlegm confounding the orifice of the HeartclosePhlegm Fire InvasionclosePhlegm Heat accumulationclosePhlegm Heat accumulation in the Lungs with concurrent possible Wind Cold invasionclosePhlegm misting the HeartclosePhlegm with underlying Lung HeatcloseProtective and Nutritive Qi Disharmonycloseqi and blood stasiscloseQi and Blood stasis obstructing the channels and collateralscloseQi and Yin deficiencycloseQi deficiencycloseQi level Heat closeQi stagnation and Blood stasis in the Middle and Upper BurnerscloseQi stagnation in the Middle and Upper BurnerscloseQi stagnation in the Middle BurnercloseQi, Yang and Blood deficiency with Cold accumulationcloserebellious Lung QicloseRebellious QicloseRebellious Stomach QicloseShao Yang Channel disharmonycloseShao Yang channel patternscloseShao Yang disharmonies with constrained Qi in the InteriorcloseSource Qi or Original Qi deficiencycloseSpleen and Kidney Qi deficiencycloseSpleen and Kidney Yang deficiencycloseSpleen and Stomach Qi deficiencycloseSpleen failing to transport fluidscloseSpleen Qi deficiencycloseSpleen Qi deficiency and Liver Qi constraintcloseSpleen Qi deficiency with Damp accumulationcloseSpleen Qi deficiency with DampnesscloseSpleen Qi deficiency with Dampness in Lower BurnercloseSpleen Qi deficiency with Liver Qi stagnationcloseSpleen Qi SinkingcloseSpleen Yang deficiencyclosestagnant Liver Qi invading the Spleen-StomachcloseStagnant menstrual Qi and congealed menstrual BloodcloseStagnant Spleen Qi and/or DampnesscloseStagnant Stomach QicloseStagnation in the sinew layercloseStagnation of Phlegm, food, and QicloseStagnation of Qi, blood, food, heat, dampness or phlegm, closestagnation of the collaterals (Luo) vesselscloseStomach and Kidney Qi and Yin deficiencycloseStomach and Kidney Yin deficiencycloseStomach and Spleen disharmonycloseStomach FirecloseStomach Qi DeficiencycloseStomach Qi Stagnationclosesupports healthy visionclosetrapped Wind Cold transforming into Heat in the LungcloseTriple Burner ObstructioncloseUncontained Liver-Kidney EssencecloseUnsettled ShencloseUnsettled Shen with Heatcloseupward Disturbances of Wind PhlegmcloseWind and Dampness accumulation in the Upper BurnercloseWind Cold Damp BicloseWind Cold Damp External InvasioncloseWind Cold Damp invasioncloseWind Cold invasioncloseWind Cold invasion lodged in the LungscloseWind Cold Invasion Transforming to Wind HeatcloseWind Cold or Wind Heat invasioncloseWind Damp (Bi) invasioncloseWind Damp Heat Bi closeWind Heat affecting the Wei Qi and progressing towards Qi level HeatcloseWind Heat invading the LungcloseWind Heat invasioncloseWind Heat Invasion in the SkincloseWind Heat or Wind Damp invasion with preexisting Damp HeatcloseWind invasion at Wei or Qi levelclosewithdrawn Spleen Thought (Yi)closeWood loses flexibilityclosexiao ke, wasting and thirstingcloseYang AscendingcloseYang Energy ConstraintcloseYang Ming stage HeatcloseYang Qi descends and Yin Fire ascendscloseYin and Blood vacuitycloseYin deficiencycloseYin Deficiency Intestinal DrynesscloseYin deficiency with deficiency HeatcloseZang zao/Restless Organ PatterncloseZhen Yin/true Yin and Zhen Yang/true Yang vacuityActionclose promotes the smooth flow of Qiclose Regulates the Penetrating (Chong Mai) and Conception (Ren Mai) vesselsclose relieves obstruction of the Triple Burner that interferes with the normal descent of Qicloseaddresses Heat lodged in the muscles, joints and nerves along the backcloseAdjusts and supports the mensescloseAdjusts the ascending and descending of the Spleen-StomachcloseAdresses the "Six Stagnations"; Qi, Blood, Food, Heat, Dampness and Phlegmclosealleviates discomfortclosealleviates menstrual stagnationclosealleviates occasional thirstclosealleviates thirst and benefits the Qicloseanchors the spiritclosearouses Spleen thought (Yi)closeastringes and supports KidneycloseAstringes EssencecloseAstringes leakagecloseAstringes Livercloseastringes the Jing (Essence)closeAugments and stabilizes Defensive Qicloseaugments QicloseAugments the QicloseBenefit Sinews and Bonesclosebenefits Lungsclosebenefits sleepcloseBenefits Stomach Qi and Yinclosebenefits the movement of the urinecloseBenefits the throatcloseboosts the Zhi (Wisdom) and quiets the Shen (Spirit)closeBreak Blood StagnationcloseBreaks up stagnationcloseBrightens the eyesclosebuilds Essence (Jing)closeCalm Spirit (Shen)closecalms the Etheral Soul (Po) and Spirit (Shen)closecirculates Defensive (Wei) QicloseClear Damp Heat in the Lower BurnercloseClear Deficiency HeatcloseClear HeatcloseClear Heat from the Heart and Livercloseclears and disinhibits Damp Heatcloseclears Damp HeatcloseClears Damp Heat from the Large IntestinecloseClears Damp Heat from the Liver and Gallbladdercloseclears Damp Heat in the Livercloseclears Damp Heat or Blazing Heat/Fire in the Upper, Middle, or Lower Burnercloseclears Fire that is accumulating in the Qi and Blood layerscloseclears heat accumulation in the Lower Burnercloseclears Heat and accumulationscloseClears Heat and Blazing FirecloseClears Heat and Blazing Fire from the Upper Burnercloseclears Heat and cools the Bloodcloseclears Heat and diffuses the Lung QicloseClears Heat and vents FirecloseClears Heat from excess Yangcloseclears Heat from the GallbladdercloseClears Heat from the Liver channelcloseclears Heat from the Lungcloseclears Heat from the LungscloseClears Heat or Fire from all Three BurnerscloseClears Liver and Gallbladder HeatcloseClears Lung HeatcloseClears Phlegm Dampness in the ChannelscloseClears Qi level Heatcloseclears Qi level or Yang Ming HeatcloseClears Stomach Firecloseclears Stomach HeatcloseClears Vacuity Firecloseclears WindcloseCompose Spleen Thought (Yi)closeConception (Ren Mai) and Penetrating (Chong Mai) Vesselsclosecontrols empty FirecloseCool Liver and Stomach FirecloseCools BloodcloseCools Heat in the Liverclosecools Liver Heat and subdues YangcloseCools the Bloodclosedecreases accumulationcloseDescend Rebellious Qi closeDescend Stomach QicloseDescends and disperses Lung QicloseDescends and disseminates Lung Qiclosedescends rebellious Stomach QicloseDiffuses and disinhibits the Qi dynamicclosediffuses the Lung Qi and directs it downwardcloseDirect Rebellious Qi downwardclosedirects rebellious Lung Qi downwardcloseDisburses turbidity in the Consciousness of PossibilitiescloseDispel Blood Stasisclosedispel blood stasis in the bladdercloseDispel Liver Qi stagnation and Blood stasisclosedispels blood stasis in the lower burnercloseDispels Coldclosedispels congealed Bloodclosedispels DampcloseDispels Damp HeatcloseDispels Damp Heat in the Lower Burnerclosedispels Dampnessclosedispels Dampness and WindcloseDispels External Wind and clears Heatclosedispels Phlegmclosedispels stasisclosedispels water accumulationcloseDispels WindcloseDispels Wind and Heatclosedispels Wind and transforms Dampclosedispels Wind Coldclosedispels Wind Damp Cold invasionclosedispels Wind HeatcloseDisperse Wind Cold Damp in Channelsclosedisperses accumulationcloseDisperses Blood accumulation or stasis in the Lower Burnerclosedisperses clumping and occasional focal distentionclosedisperses ColdcloseDisperses External Wind Cold or Heat lodged in the headcloseDisperses Phlegm accumulationclosedisperses the Exteriorclosedisperses WindcloseDisperses Wind Heat or Wind ColdcloseDrain Damp HeatcloseDrain Dampnessclosedrains and dries DampnesscloseDrains Damp Heat accumulation from the Lower BurnercloseDrains deficient Kidney FirecloseDrains Fire and Damp Heat from the Lower JiaocloseDrains Fire and Damp Heat from the Middle Burnerclosedrains HeatcloseDrains Heat or Fireclosedrains Stomach channel Fireclosedries and dispels Damp in the Middle BurnercloseDry DampnesscloseDry Dampnesscloseeases the muscles and relieves stagnationcloseeliminates DampnesscloseEnriches the Yin and EssencecloseExpel Damp Cold stagnation in the Spleen and StomachcloseExpel WindcloseExpels and transforms Wind Cold Damp invasions lodged into the digestive tractcloseexpels Damp HeatcloseExpels External WindcloseExpels invasion of the Shao Yang levelcloseExpels Phlegm Fire invasionscloseexpels Wind Cold invasioncloseExpels Wind Damp Cold from meridianscloseextinguishes Internal WindcloseExtinguishes Liver WindcloseExtinguishes Liver Wind and sinks Liver Yangcloseextinguishes windcloseFacilitates balanced interaction between Nutritive (Ying) Qi (inner sense of self) and Protective (Wei) Qi (engagement with the outer world)closefirms Kidney EssencecloseFocus and Strengthen Spleen-Heart communicationcloseGall Bladder and Triple Burner meridiansclosegenerates fluidscloseGenerates fluids and nourishes Yinclosegenerates Yang fluidsclosegenerates Yin fluidsclosegoverns early stages of Damp-warmth and Summerheat-warmth with concurrent Dampness patternscloseguides out stagnationcloseHarmonize Heart and KidneycloseHarmonize Liver and SpleencloseHarmonize Liver and StomachcloseHarmonize Middle BurnercloseHarmonize the Shao Yin (Heart and Kidney) and calm the Shen (Spirit)closeHarmonize the Stomachcloseharmonizes Blood and relieves stagnationcloseharmonizes the Gallbladder and StomachcloseHarmonizes the Shao YangcloseHarmonizes the Shao Yang levelcloseHarmonizes the Shifting of Conscious Potentials (Yi, "Heart Mind")closehelps in regulating the relationship between the protective Qi in the Exterior and Nutritive Qi in the InteriorcloseInvigorate BloodcloseInvigorate circulation of Qi and Blood in the headcloseInvigorate Qi and Bloodclosemitigates Lung Qi rebellioncloseMoisten Drynessclosemoistens and nourishes Lung YincloseMoistens and Regulates the Intestinesclosemoistens Lungs and throatcloseMoistens the intestinescloseMoistens the Lungsclosemoistens the Lungs and ThroatcloseMositens the Intestinesclosemoves Middle Burner Qiclosemoves stagnant Spleen QicloseMoves the Bloodclosenormalizes Yang movementcloseNourish and Cool BloodcloseNourish and Regulate BloodcloseNourish BloodcloseNourish Blood and Tonify QicloseNourish Blood and YincloseNourish Bones and TendonscloseNourish Heart and Kidney YincloseNourish Kidney YincloseNourish Kidney Yin and Essence (Jing)closeNourish Liver and Kidney YincloseNourish Liver and Lung YincloseNourish Liver BloodcloseNourish Liver YincloseNourish Liver Yin and BloodcloseNourish Lung and Kidney YincloseNourish SinewscloseNourish Stomach and Kidney YincloseNourishes Essenceclosenourishes Heart and Kideny Yinclosenourishes Heart and Liver Bloodclosenourishes Heart BloodcloseNourishes Kidney Qi, Yin, YangcloseNourishes Lung Yinclosenourishes the BraincloseNourishes the HeartcloseNourishes the Yin and BloodcloseNourishes the Yin of the Three Burnersclosenourishes Yinclosenurtures the uteruscloseOpen and Unblock the Vessels and Channelscloseopens and penetrates the meridians and unlocks the channelscloseopens the collaterals (Luo) vesselscloseopens up the nasal passagesclosepreserves the YinclosePromotes downward movement of QiclosePromotes movement of Qiclosepromotes proper fluid metabolismclosepromotes the flow of Yang Qiclosepromotes transforming functions of Qicloseprotects Jin Yeclosepurges accumulationscloseQuells Liver FirecloseQuickens the BloodcloseQuickens the Blood and dispels Blood stasisclosequickens the Conception (Ren mai) and Penetrating (Chong mai) vesselscloseRaise sinking Spleen QicloseRaises Yang Qicloserectifies the Qicloseredirects rebellious Qi downwardcloseRedirects rebellious Stomach Qi downwardcloseRegulate Liver QicloseRegulate the Qicloseregulates and adjusts the Conception (Ren mai) and Penetrating (Chong mai) vesselscloseregulates and strengthens the Penetrating and Conception Vessels (Chong Mai and Ren Mai)closeregulates ascending and descending QicloseRegulates Protective and Nutritive Qicloseregulates the Bloodcloseregulates the Conception (Ren mai) and Penetrating (Chon mai) vesselscloseregulates the function of the Spleen and Stomachcloseregulates the Middle BurnercloseRegulates the Water Passagescloseregulates water passagescloseRelease constraintcloseRelease the Tai Yang to expel Wind and Dampnessclosereleases the ExteriorcloseRelieves dizzinesscloserelieves stagnationcloserelieves stagnation and unblocks the Luo Mai Network vesselscloserelieves Stomach stagnationcloserelieves thirstcloseremoves Blood stasiscloseremoves Damp obstruction in the extremitiescloseReplenish Essence (Jing)closereplenishes the QicloseResolves Dampnesscloseresolves Phlegmcloseresolves Phlegm Dampcloseresolves Phlegm HeatcloseResolves Shao Yang patternscloseResolves the exteriorcloseresolves Wind and HeatcloseResolves Wind Cold invasion that turns to Wind Heat as it passes from the Tai Yang to the Yang Ming or from the Wei to the Qi levelcloseRestores the transformative power of the Earthcloserestrains Bloodcloserestrains leakage of Essencecloserestrains the Bloodcloseroots Empty FirecloseRromote healthy skincloseseparates clear and turbid fluidsclosesmooths obstruction in the channelscloseSoftens hardnessclosesoothes the LivercloseSoothes the Liver and dispels Internal Windclosespreads Lung Qi and directs rebellious Qi downwardcloseStabilize the Exteriorclosestabilizes Essenceclosestabilizes Spirit (Shen)closestabilizes the Essence (Jing)closestabilizes the Exterior and fortifies the SpleencloseStabilizes the Kidney and retains EssencecloseStrengthen LivercloseStrengthen Stomach and Nourishes Spleen YincloseStrengthens all Five Visceraclosestrengthens Governing (Du Mai)closeStrengthens Heartclosestrengthens Kidneyclosestrengthens Kidney and Lung QicloseStrengthens Lung and Protective (Wei) QicloseStrengthens the Spleenclosestrengthens the Stomachclosestrong cooling actioncloseSubdue Liver Yangclosesubdues wind heat invasionclosesubdues yangcloseSubdues Yin deficiency Fireclosesupplements and warms Cold in the Lower BurnercloseSupplements BloodcloseSupplements HeartcloseSupplements Heart YincloseSupplements Lung YincloseSupplements QicloseSupplements Qi and upbears YangcloseSupplements the KidneyscloseSupplements the Lung and Defensive (Wei) QicloseSupplements Yin, Blood and Essenceclosesupports a healthy urinary systemclosesupports Blood circulationclosesupports fertilitycloseSupports healthy circulation of Qi and Bloodclosesupports healthy Lung functionsclosesupports healthy tendons and bonescloseSupports healthy urinationcloseSupports healthy visionclosesupports proper upward and downward flow of Yin and Yangclosesupports smooth flow of menstrual bloodclosesupports the Correct (Zheng) QicloseTonify and Harmonize the Protective (Wei) and Nutritive (Ying) QicloseTonify and Move BloodcloseTonify and Restrain Lung QicloseTonify and Stabilize the BloodcloseTonify and Warm Kidney YangcloseTonify Blood and YincloseTonify Defensive (Wei) QicloseTonify Heart and LungscloseTonify Heart QicloseTonify Heart Qi and BloodcloseTonify KidneycloseTonify Kidney and Nourish Jin YecloseTonify Kidney Essence closeTonify Kidney Qi, Yin, and Yang closeTonify Lung QicloseTonify Middle BurnercloseTonify Original QicloseTonify QicloseTonify Spleen and KidneycloseTonify Spleen and Stomach and Regulate Shao Yang patternscloseTonify Spleen QicloseTonify Spleen YangcloseTonify Stomach and Spleen QicloseTonify the Four Substances: Qi, Blood, Yin, YangcloseTonify the Heart and GallbladdercloseTonify the LivercloseTonify the Liver and KidneycloseTonify Yin and Blood and Move the Blood. For Shao Yang patternscloseTransform DampnesscloseTransform food stagnationcloseTransform PhlegmcloseTransform Phlegm and support SpleencloseTransforms and clears Phlegm HeatcloseTransforms Dampness and resolves the Exteriorclosetransforms Heart PhlegmcloseTransforms Phlegm and AccumulationcloseTransforms Phlegm and opens the Heart orificecloseTransforms Phlegm by drying internal DampnesscloseTransforms Wind Phlegm due to Spleen deficiencycloseUnblock Damp and Cold in the meridianscloseUnblock the channelscloseunblocks Bi Zheng (obstruction pattern)closeunblocks the channels and collateralscloseunblocks the Luo Mai (Connecting vessels)closevents Heat to the ExteriorcloseWarm the Channels and Disperse Blood stasisclosewarms and opens the channelscloseWarms and Regulates menstruationcloseWarms and strengthens the Middle BurnercloseWarms and supplements the Qi and BloodcloseWarms lower burnercloseWarms menses and removes ColdcloseWarms the channelsclosewarms the Essence and Yangclosewarms the Interiorclosewarms the LungscloseWarms the mensesclosewarms the Yangclosewarms the Yang of the Lower BurnercloseWarms Yang and dissipates ColdcloseYin and YangIndicationclose occasional coughclose" having no room in the digestive systemclosea feeling of constraint in the chestclosea healthy spine and hind limbsclosea radiant complexioncloseA tendency to be open to a Wind Cold invasion beforecloseabdominal bloatingcloseabdominal discomfortcloseabdominal disharmoniescloseabdominal distentioncloseachinesscloseachy joints or generalized body soreness without sweatingcloseacid regurgitationcloseaggressioncloseagitationcloseAids in maintaining healthy memorycloseAids recovery from long term illnesscloseAlleviates Blood stasis and Liver Qi stagnation below the diaphragmcloseAlternating warmth and chillscloseAn occasional aching heavy sensation in the limbscloseand Dampness trapped in the tissuescloseAngry reaction to discomfortcloseapathy or lassitudecloseappetitecloseappetite fluctuationsclosearm or calf discomfortcloseAssists with general Damp Heat patterns which affect the jointscloseAssists with respiratory disharmony due to Wind Cold exposurecloseAssists with temporary circulatory discomfort such as numbness in the limbscloseAstringent formula that addresses occasional leakage of fluidcloseAversion to coldcloseAversion to cold or chillinesscloseAversion to drafts and heatcloseaversion to foodcloseAversion to heatclosebefore menses or from medicationclosebelchingcloseBenefits healthy adaptation to environmental changescloseBenefits healthy skin and haircloseBenefits joints and musclescloseBenefits mental and emotional wellbeingcloseBenefits overall wellbeingcloseBenefits peri- and post-menopausal sensations of heatcloseBenefits the head and eyescloseBenefits the sinusescloseBenefits the throatcloseBenefits the Upper Orifices and the skinclosebladdercloseBlood stasis accumulating in the chest and upper regions of the bodycloseBlood stasis accumulating in the lower abdomencloseblurred visionclosebones and jointscloseCan also be used as a valuable aid to the physical discomfort that accompanies quitting smokingcloseCan be used to assist with occasional dysenteric complaintsclosecardiovascular function and blood pressurecloseChillinessclosecirculation and eliminationclosecold extremitiesclosecold hands and feetcloseCold intoleranceclosecold or hot foods and liquidsclosecold weathercloseColdness of hands and feetcloseconcentration and focuscloseconcentration and vitalitycloseConflicting patterns of excess and deficiencycloseconfusion or disorientationcloseCool limbsclosecracked fingernailsclosecramping or numbnessclosecrampsclosedampcloseDamp Heat lodged in the digestive or elimination systemclosedamp weatherclosedanderclosedark and scanty urinationclosedark urineclosedehydrationclosediarrheaclosediarrhea or soft stoolcloseDifficulty arising after a full night’s sleepclosedigestive disharmoniesclosediscomfort in the pelvic region related to mensescloseDispersing Thirst (Xiao Ke)closedistended sensation of epigastrium and abdomenclosedistension or bloatingclosedistension or fullnesscloseDisturbed sleep with vivid dreamingclosedizziness or dull visionclosedrowsinesscloseDry eyescloseDry eyes in animalsclosedry heaves and diarrheacloseDry mouthcloseDry mouth and throat with thirstcloseDry mouth, throat in animalscloseDry nasal passages in animalscloseDry nose, throat, nasal passagescloseDry skin and/or haircloseDry skin, hair, coat in animalscloseDull eyes and expressioncloseduring or after menstruationcloseear or facial redness or dryness in animalscloseear tips and paws that are cool to the touchcloseeases Heart palpitationscloseEases hot flashes associated with menopausecloseEases menstrual difficultycloseEases occasional sensitivity reactions to foodcloseeasily offendedcloseEasily overheated or chilledcloseElevated thirst and appetitecloseemotional sensitivities such as noisecloseemotional unrestcloseEmotionally labilecloseendurance and athletic trainingcloseendurance and recovery after intense or prolonged exercisecloseespecially in the lower extremitiescloseespecially in the palms or souls of the feetcloseespecially when accompanied by abdominal discomfort and bloating or nauseacloseespecially when accompanied by abdominal discomfort or bloatingcloseExcellent for the elderlycloseExternal Wind HeatcloseExtra support for physical and mental wellbeingcloseeye rednesscloseFatigue, lethargy.closefear aggressionclosefeeling flushedcloseFine powdery danderclosefine powdery dander; mild itch; mild skin lesionscloseflank and limb discomfortcloseflushed cheekscloseflushed facecloseFlushes and perspires easily when embarrassed or startledcloseflushingclosefood and/or fear aggressionclosefood poisoning and mild allergic reactionscloseFor any pattern with concurrent Blood deficiency and stasiscloseFor occasional discomfort in the frontal, occipital, temporal or vertex region of the headcloseFor sever or sudden Blood stasis eventscloseforgetfulness or spacinessclosefrequent urinationcloseGallbladder or Triple Burner meridiansclosegascloseGastrointestinal reaction to spoiled food or water while travelingclosegeneralized weaknessclosegreasy coatcloseGreasy or clumping hair coatclosehairclosehalitosisclosehard stoolcloseHarmonizes excess and deficiencyclosehealthy appetiteclosehealthy appetite and digestionclosehealthy veins and blood pressurecloseHeart and Liver Blood vacuitycloseHeart Yin Vacuitycloseheartburncloseheat and coldcloseHeat blazing upwardcloseHeat intolerance, heat lodged in the joints and skin.closeHeat lodged in the LungcloseHeat or Blood accumulation in the Lower Burnercloseheat or discomfort in the chest and headcloseHeat radiating from the crown of the headcloseheavy limbscloseHeavy periods with fibroids or other obstructionscloseHelps ease occasional discomfort of muscles and joints due to traumatic injurycloseHelps maintain a healthy lymphatic systemcloseHelps mitigate earliest stage of Wind/Cold invasionclosehelps regulate appetitecloseHelps support a healthy prostatecloseHelps support and maintain a healthy immune systemcloseHelps support and maintain a healthy menstrual cycleclosehipsclosehoarsenessclosehot and cold in the stomachclosehot flushescloseHot, limping, overweight pet.closehypersensitivity and mood swingscloseimpatience that turns inward and produces an inflexiblecloseImprovement after restcloseImproves appetitecloseinability to fall asleepcloseinability to stay asleepcloseincontinencecloseIncreased thirstcloseIncreased thirst and appetitecloseindigestioncloseinsomniacloseintestines and stomachcloseirregular dietcloseirritabilitycloseIrritablitycloseirritationcloseitchcloseitchy skincloseKidney Qi vacuitycloseKidney Yang vacuitycloseknee and joint discomfortcloselack of appetitecloselack of focuscloselack of physical strengthcloselack of vitalitycloseLacks thirstcloselarynx and bronchicloselassitudecloseleakage of sperm or urinecloselessening of tears or vaginal mucouscloseLimb heaviness in animalscloselimbscloselimbs or jointscloseLimp haircloselips or eyelidscloseLiver and Kidney vacuitycloseLiver and Kidney Yin vacuitycloseLiver Wind or FirecloseLiver Yin vacuitycloseLoose skincloseloose stoolscloseloose stools or diarrheacloseloss of appetite, diarrhea and/or constipationcloseloss of balancecloseloss of voice and ringing in the ears whenever a deficient Qi pattern is underlyingcloselow backcloselow energycloselow-grade itchcloselower back discomfortcloselower back or pelviscloseLower limbscloseLung Yin vacuity coughcloselustrous skinclosemalodorous gasclosemalodorous gas or skin secretionsclosememory and concentrationcloseMenopausal disharmoniescloseMenopausal patterns accompanied by occasional sleep disturbances and irritabilityclosemild fear aggressionclosemild hot spotsclosemild territorialityclosemild to moderate itchcloseMoist tonic ideal for supporting the natural aging processcloseMoistens the Lungsclosemood swingsclosemouth or mouth soresclosemuddled thinkingclosenails and membranesclosenauseacloseneckclosenervousness and occasional loss of appetiteclosenervousness or mental agitationclosenight sweatsclosenoise sensitivityclosenose or skincloseNourishes Blood and supports pregnancycloseNourishes the Yin of the Kidneys and Liver to support healthy visioncloseOccasion body achescloseOccasional abdominal discomfort which is aggravated by coldcloseOccasional abdominal distensioncloseOccasional abdominal distension and fullnesscloseOccasional abdominal distentioncloseOccasional abdominal or epigastic stagnationcloseOccasional abdominal stagnationcloseOccasional absentmindednesscloseOccasional abundant or scanty menstruationcloseOccasional accumulations lodged in the skincloseOccasional achinesscloseOccasional achiness, numbness, cramping or heaviness in the muscles, tendons and joints of the neckcloseOccasional acid regurgitationcloseOccasional agitation, dominance aggression.closeOccasional alternating chills and heatcloseOccasional anger, irritability, frustration or anxietycloseOccasional anxietycloseOccasional anxiety in animalscloseOccasional anxiety, depression, irritability, or agitationcloseOccasional appetite fluctuationscloseOccasional aversion to coldcloseOccasional aversion to cold or windcloseOccasional aversion to drafts or coldcloseOccasional aversion to Heat without chillscloseOccasional aversion to windcloseOccasional aversion to windcloseOccasional aversion to wind and chillcloseOccasional aversion to wind or draftcloseOccasional back or leg discomfortcloseOccasional back spasmcloseOccasional back weaknesscloseOccasional bad breath or bad taste in the mouthcloseOccasional band-like sensation around the head and congestion of the sense organs caused by Damp stagnating in the ExteriorcloseOccasional belching, flatulencecloseOccasional bitter taste and nauseacloseoccasional bitter taste in mouthcloseOccasional bitter taste in the mouthcloseOccasional bladder irritationcloseOccasional bloating and abdominal discomfortcloseOccasional bloating and flatulencecloseOccasional bloating or belchingcloseOccasional bloating, distension, or discomfort, especially after large mealscloseOccasional bloating, regurgitation and crampingcloseOccasional body ache or sore musclescloseOccasional bowel irregularitycloseOccasional breast distentioncloseOccasional breast or flank distensioncloseOccasional breast tendernesscloseOccasional breast tenderness and distensioncloseOccasional breathlessness after exposure to wind or allergencloseOccasional bruising or discomfort in the muscles or jointscloseOccasional chaotic behaviorcloseOccasional chest and/or flank discomfortcloseOccasional chest discomfortcloseOccasional chest heavinesscloseOccasional chest, epigastric , abdominal, flank and limb discomfortcloseOccasional chilliness and aversion to windcloseOccasional chilliness when restingcloseOccasional chillscloseOccasional chilly hands and feetcloseOccasional cloudy urinecloseOccasional cold abdomencloseOccasional cold body or limbscloseOccasional cold extremitiescloseOccasional cold hands and feetcloseOccasional cold hands and feet, possibly whole limb, that feel cold to the touch and to the personcloseOccasional cold in the lower abdomencloseOccasional cold limbscloseOccasional cold sensation in the lower bodycloseOccasional cold sensations or aversion to coldcloseOccasional coldness below the elbows and knees that can get worse with stresscloseOccasional concentrated urinecloseOccasional constipationcloseOccasional constipation and dry stoolcloseOccasional cough due to Lung Qi constraintcloseOccasional Dampness and heat accumulation in the earcloseOccasional decreased capacity for sustained attention and concentrationcloseOccasional delayed or sluggish digestioncloseOccasional depressed mood or insomniacloseOccasional dermal mucoid dischargescloseOccasional diaper rashcloseOccasional diarrheacloseOccasional diarrhea or vomitingcloseOccasional difficult stoolscloseOccasional difficult urinationcloseOccasional difficulty concentratingcloseOccasional difficulty falling asleep, settling down or mind racing with thoughtscloseOccasional difficulty making decisionscloseOccasional difficulty moving, rotating or bendingcloseOccasional digestive disharmonycloseOccasional digestive disharmony or occasional constipation or diarrheacloseOccasional digestive disruptioncloseOccasional digestive disturbancescloseoccasional digestive upsetcloseOccasional diminished sensory acuitycloseOccasional diminished stamina and endurancecloseOccasional discomfortcloseOccasional discomfort affecting the head, neck, eyes, and throatcloseOccasional discomfort and accumulation in the Lower BurnercloseOccasional discomfort at the wrist, hips, legs or feetcloseOccasional discomfort in humid climatecloseOccasional discomfort in joints that gets better with continued gentle movementcloseOccasional discomfort in muscles of neck and upper backcloseOccasional discomfort in the abdomen or flank regioncloseOccasional discomfort in the channels and collateralscloseOccasional discomfort in the chest, possibly extending to the backcloseOccasional discomfort in the joints or knees with occasional stiffnesscloseOccasional discomfort in the knees, legs or feetcloseOccasional discomfort in the lower back or legcloseOccasional discomfort in the upper or lower abdomencloseOccasional discomfort of lower back and legscloseOccasional discomfort of the chest and throatcloseOccasional discomfort or numbness in the extremitiescloseOccasional disrupted urinary flowcloseOccasional distention or discomfort in the lower abdomen or lower back (Lower Jiao) that gets better with warmth and worse with pressurecloseOccasional dizzinesscloseOccasional dizzinesscloseOccasional dizziness and vertigocloseOccasional dizziness or feeling of disequilibriumcloseOccasional dizziness or numbnesscloseOccasional dry coughcloseOccasional dry mouth and throatcloseOccasional dry mouth and throat with a bitter tastecloseOccasional dry mouth and/or bitter tastecloseOccasional dry or red eyescloseOccasional dry, hard, thin or small stoolcloseOccasional dryness in the Intestines or dry stoolscloseOccasional dryness of the nosecloseOccasional dryness of the skincloseOccasional dryness or discomfort of the chest and LungscloseOccasional dull head pressurecloseOccasional emotional stresscloseOccasional epigastric discomfortcloseOccasional epigastric focal distentioncloseOccasional excessive fluid losscloseOccasional excessive perspirationcloseOccasional excessive perspiration or night sweatingcloseOccasional excessive tearingcloseOccasional excessive thirst and frequent urinationcloseOccasional extreme thirstcloseOccasional eyecloseOccasional eye and hair drynesscloseOccasional eye dischargescloseoccasional facial flushingcloseOccasional fatigue, lethargycloseOccasional feeling of fullness in the chest or abdomencloseOccasional feeling of heat in the eveningcloseOccasional feeling of heat in the mouth and tonguecloseOccasional feeling of oppression in the chest and diaphragmcloseOccasional feeling of pressurecloseOccasional feeling of warmth in the eveningscloseOccasional fixed stagnationcloseOccasional flank discomfortcloseOccasional flank or back discomfortcloseoccasional flatulencecloseOccasional flushed feelingcloseOccasional flushing upcloseOccasional foggy headednesscloseOccasional food sensitivitiescloseOccasional food sensitivity reactionscloseOccasional food stagnation accompanied by abdominal distentioncloseOccasional forelimb weaknesscloseOccasional forgetfulnesscloseOccasional forgetfulnesscloseOccasional frequent urinationcloseOccasional frontal or temporal discomfortcloseOccasional fullness and discomfort in the chestcloseOccasional fullness in the chestcloseOccasional fullness in the chest and diaphragmcloseOccasional fullness in the chest or hypochondriac areacloseOccasional fullness in the stomachcloseOccasional gurgling, rumbling or sensation of fullness in the abdomencloseOccasional headachecloseOccasional headache and dizzinesscloseOccasional headachescloseOccasional heartburncloseOccasional heat flushescloseOccasional heat in the throatcloseOccasional Heat in the throat or eyescloseOccasional Heat or accumulation along the LivercloseOccasional heat or redness of the external earcloseOccasional heat sensation in the palms and soles of the feetcloseOccasional heavy secretion of salivacloseOccasional heavy sensation in the shoulders and backcloseOccasional hind limb weaknesscloseOccasional hot flashes with heavy perspirationcloseOccasional hot joints with a feeling of warmthcloseOccasional impaired flexibility and limitations of movement that affect the lower and upper backcloseOccasional increased thirstcloseOccasional indigestion closeOccasional inguinal, lower back or perineal discomfortcloseOccasional insomniacloseOccasional insomnia forgetfulness and excessive dreamingcloseOccasional intense itchingcloseOccasional intolerance of draftscloseOccasional irregular bowel movementscloseOccasional irregular menstruationcloseOccasional irritability or anxietycloseOccasional irritability or impatiencecloseOccasional irritability, depression, agitation in animalscloseOccasional irritability. red face, feeling of constraint in the chestcloseOccasional irritabiltiycloseOccasional irritationcloseOccasional itch, oily coatcloseOccasional itchinesscloseOccasional itching and skin irritationcloseOccasional itching and/or prickling sensationscloseOccasional itching or discomfort of anuscloseOccasional itching or rashescloseOccasional itchy eyes or skincloseOccasional joint and body discomfort that gets worse in damp weathercloseOccasional joint discomfort in coldcloseOccasional joint paincloseOccasional joint, lower back or leg discomfortcloseOccasional knee soreness and weaknesscloseOccasional lack of appetitecloseOccasional lack of salivation and tearingcloseOccasional lack of sexual fluidcloseOccasional lack of staminacloseOccasional lameness after exertioncloseOccasional late afternoon feeling of heatcloseOccasional lethargycloseOccasional lethargycloseOccasional lethargy or lassitudecloseOccasional light-headedness or dizzinesscloseOccasional lightheadednesscloseOccasional lightheadedness or dizzinesscloseOccasional limb and/or low back pain or weakness of the lower limbscloseOccasional Liver Heat patterns manifesting in the urinary or reproductive systemcloseOccasional localized discomfort in muscles, joints, head or torso.closeOccasional loose bowelscloseOccasional loose bowels or constipationcloseOccasional loose stoolscloseOccasional loss of appetitecloseOccasional loss of balance, tremors, muscle twitches.closeOccasional loss of mental clarity and alertnesscloseOccasional loss of tastecloseOccasional low back and hind limb pain and weaknesscloseOccasional low back and knee discomfortcloseOccasional low back and knee weaknesscloseOccasional low back and knees weakness or stiffnesscloseOccasional low back discomfortcloseOccasional low back discomfort and/or sore legscloseOccasional low back or leg discomfortcloseOccasional low back weakness or stiffnesscloseOccasional low back weakness, sore limbs and kneescloseOccasional low back, knee and joint discomfortcloseOccasional low or depressed moodcloseOccasional low or intense appetitecloseOccasional low spiritscloseOccasional lower abdominal discomfortcloseOccasional lower back and limb discomfortcloseOccasional lower back discomfortcloseOccasional lower back discomfort or knee weaknesscloseOccasional Lower Jiao Damp Heat or abdominal discomfortcloseOccasional lumbar or sacral discomfort that gets worse after menstruation or when tiredcloseOccasional lumbar stiffnesscloseOccasional menstrual discomfortcloseOccasional menstrual disharmonycloseOccasional menstrual irregularities or Beng LoucloseOccasional mental agitationcloseOccasional mild itch and dry skin; fineclose