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Wonder Golden: Unveiling the Power of Huang Lian and Berberine in TCM

by Dr. Skylar Stumpf DTCM, LAcon July 19, 2023

Huang Lian, also known as Coptis or Chinese Goldthread, is a highly regarded herb in traditional Asian medicine. With a rich history dating back thousands of years, this herb has been widely utilized for its health-related properties. This article explores the historical significance of Huang Lian, its chemical composition, its impact on the gut microbiome and other physiological systems, the best cultivation regions, and the optimal methods of preparation for use.

Huang Lian holds a significant place in ancient Chinese medical texts, including the Shennong Bencao Jing (Divine Farmer's Materia Medica) and the Bencao Gangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica) by Li Shi Zhen. In the Shennong Bencao Jing, it is classified as a cold (氣) herb, possessing a bitter (味) taste, and non-toxicity.

“[Addresses] heat qi, eye pain, damage to the corner of the eyes, and tearing; brightens the eyes; ...intestinal afflux, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and women’s swelling and pain inside the genitals. Consumed over a long time, it staves off forgetfulness. Grows in river valleys.”

It is revered for its ability to clear heat, dry dampness, and detoxify the body. The Bencao Gangmu further expands on its uses, describing its effectiveness in addressing various ailments such as diarrhea, dysentery, infections, and fever.

In Huang Lian, the primary active compound is berberine, an alkaloid. Berberine constitutes a significant proportion of Huang Lian's chemical composition and is responsible for many of its physiological effects. Other compounds found in Huang Lian include quercetin, coptisine, palmatine, epiberberine, and jatrorrhizine, each contributing to the herb's properties.

Berberine's impact on the gut microbiome is an area of active research. Though still in its scientific infancy, studies have shown that berberine possesses potent gut-microbiota regulating properties, capable of inhibiting the growth of less-than-optimal, commensal (and non-commensal) species, while promoting the generation of beneficial species such as Akkermansia, Lactobacillus, and Bifidobacterium. Additionally, berberine may exert a positive effect on short-chain fatty-acid producing species. This modulation of the gut ecosystem contributes to improved overall wellness, enhanced digestion and nutrient assimilation, and regulation of systemic immunity.

Furthermore, berberine has been found to affect various physiological systems. It has demonstrated efficacy in regulating metabolism as a whole.


The highest quality Huang Lian is predominantly wild-grown in the Chinese province of Sichuan, near Mt. Emai. Yunnan and Hubei provinces produce good-quality Huang Lian, as well. These regions provide optimal climatic conditions, including sufficient rainfall, suitable temperature, and well-drained soil, which contribute to the herb's superior quality. The cultivation of Huang Lian requires meticulous attention to growing conditions, such as maintaining adequate moisture levels, controlling pests, and implementing sustainable agricultural practices to ensure the purity and potency of the herb.

As an aside, a worthwhile consideration demands some attention. Berberine is being used haphazardly for weight management purposes, where appetite suppression is sought. This appetite suppression may be due to quelling fire, but it may also be due to harming the spleen-stomach and dampening an otherwise healthy appetite. To ensure optimal effects, it is crucial to consult with a qualified TCM practitioner, acupuncturist or herbalist who can provide guidance on the appropriate dosage and duration of Huang Lian usage. This is especially important due to the herb's bitter taste and cold nature. Finally, Huang Lian Su (berberine) may inhibit or alter CYP450 enzymatic processes, therefore it is important to duly consider its potential impact on pharmaceutical metabolism. It is also strictly contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, or use in infants.


In TCM, Huang Lian is typically prepared through decoction, where the herb is simmered in water to extract its active constituents. Combined with excellent quality ethanol and sophisticated means for sequestering volatile-oils, Kan Herb Company’s method allows for maximum extraction of the herb's beneficial compounds. Huang Lian can also be prepared in the form of tablets for convenience and standardized dosing. An herbal extract known as Huang Lian Su consists of concentrated berberine. Kan Herb Company offers CoptiClear as a rendition of this potent herbal agent. The extract and tablet versions are both highly bioavailable.

The Shanghan Lun, also known as the Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders, is a classical Chinese medical text written by Zhang Zhongjing during the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is one of the foundational texts in traditional Asian medicine and provides detailed insights into the diagnosis and treatment of various health challenges caused by external pathogenic factors. Huang Lian plays a significant role in the Shanghan Lun and is widely used in many medicinal formulas described within the text.

In the Shanghan Lun, Huang Lian is frequently used as a chief medicinal, assistant medicinal, or envoy medicinal, showcasing its versatility in addressing different syndrome-patterns. As a chief medicinal, Huang Lian is often combined with other herbs to form the backbone of a formula, providing the primary effect. It is commonly employed in formulas that aim to clear heat, eliminate toxins, and address symptoms associated with excess heat and dampness in the body.

Some of the formulas in classic texts that include Huang Lian as a chief agent are:

  • Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity):
    • This formula uses Huang Lian as the chief medicinal herb, combined with Huang Qin (Scutellaria) and Huang Bai (Phellodendron) to clear heat and eliminate toxins. It is commonly used to address conditions such as high fever, severe sore throat, and infections.

  • Zuo Jin Wan (Left Metal Pill):
    • Huang Lian serves as the chief medicinal in this formula, with Wu Zhu Yu as assistant. It is used to address Liver-Stomach disharmony due to Liver heat, characterized by symptoms such as vomiting and acid reflux.

  • Huang Lian Tang (Coptis Decoction):
    • Huang Lian acts as chief, assistants include Gan Jiang (Dried Ginger) and Gui Zhi (Cinnamon Twig). Essentially, this formula is a modified Xiao Chai Hu Tang with Gui Zhi replacing Huang Qin, and Gan Jiang replacing Sheng Jiang. It is employed to address patterns related to heat above and cold below, after an external pathogenic factor has invaded the middle burner, disrupting its ascending-descending axis. This can manifest as disparate symptoms such as stifling sensation in the chest, nausea and vomiting, fever and slight chills, and diarrhea due to cold.


Where syndrome-pattern appropriate, Huang Lian is indispensable for restoring health and promoting overall wellness. Effective huang lian formulations in Kan’s catalog include:

  1. CoptiClear (Huang Lian Su Pian): CoptiClear is based on Coptis Concentrated Extract Pill (Huang Lian Su Pian), a widely used Chinese patent. It is unusual among Kan formulations, as it contains only one herb: Coptis rhizome (Huang lian), one of the most bitter, cold and drying herbs. These qualities make CoptiClear particularly effective for patterns marked by constrained Fire, Damp Heat and Heat.

  2. Dong Quai and Six Yellows Decoction (Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang): Thirst, Women's Health, Sweating, Menopause, Urinary Support, Restful Sleep, Respiratory Support, Dry Mouth or Bitter Taste, Excessive Perspiration and Night Sweating, Healthy Bladder Function.

  3. CoptiDetox (Huang Lian Jie Du Tang): CoptiDetox is a traditional interpretation of the classical formula Coptis Relieve Decoction (Huang Lian Jie Du Tang). This formula is very effective at dispelling strong obstruction of the Upper, Middle and Lower Burners by Fire invasion penetrating both the Interior and Exterior of the body.

  4. Stomach Support (Qing Wei San & Yu Nu Jian): Stomach Support is based on Clear the Stomach Powder (Qing Wei San), with ingredients added from Jade Woman Decoction (Yu Nu Jian), two important formulas that clear Heat in the Stomach. By combining these two formulas, the presentation is broadened to clear Stomach Heat, enrich Yin, and vent to the Exterior.

View Huang Lian Su-based herbal CoptiClear

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