Shen Ling Spleen Support
Shen ling bai zhu san
Kan Traditionals
Strengthens the Spleen, replenishes the Qi, transforms Dampness.
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- Herb: White atractylodes rhizome, Poria, White Asian ginseng root and rhizome, Chinese yam rhizome, Honey fried Chinese licorice root and rhizome, Hyacinth bean, Platycodon root, Lotus seed, Chinese amomum fruit, Job's tears seed
- Herb (Pinyin): Bai zhu, Fu ling, Bai ren shen, Shan yao, Zhi gan cao, Bai bian dou, Jie geng, Lian zi , Sha ren ren, Yi yi ren
- Pattern: Spleen Qi deficiency with Dampness
- Actions: Transform Dampness, Strengthens the Spleen, replenishes the Qi
- Indications: Occasional fatigue, lethargy, Supports a healthy digestive system, Supports a healthy appetite, Supports healthy water metabolism, Occasional loose stools, Supports a healthy gastrointestinal system, Supports overall wellbeing , Occasional stifling sensation in the chest and epigastrum, Occasional shallow breathing or shortness of breath
- Contraindications: Contraindicated during the early phase of a Wind invasion., Use with caution during pregnancy.
- Tongue: Pale, white, greasy coat.
- Pulse: Weak, thin or slow.
Shen Ling Spleen Support is a rendition of Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Powder (Shen Ling Bai Zhu San), a classical formula to augment the Qi, strengthen the Spleen and drain Dampness by regulating the descending and ascending functions of Qi.The Spleen is responsible for the transportation and transformation of food, fluids and nutrients in the body and is the central pivot of Qi transformation, the root of the body’s metabolic function. It separates the clear Yang, which rises up to nourish the body, from the turbid Yin, which descends as waste to the Lower Burner. The clear Yang transforms food and drink into an abundance of Qi, which then moves upward and outward toward the extremities, nourishing the skin, Yin, viscera and Blood. When the Qi of the Spleen is weakened, Dampness accumulates in the Middle Burner.
Shen Ling Spleen Support focuses on the pattern of Spleen Qi deficiency, which leads to internally generated Dampness. It supplements the Spleen and Stomach without damaging the Yin, improves Qi transformation, clears accumulated Dampness from the Middle Burner and fortifies the Lungs. It is indicated for the individual who feels weak and heavy, sometimes with shortness of breath, and occasional abdominal distension, fatigue, loose stools or poor appetite.
White Asian ginseng root and rhizome, White atractylodes rhizome, Poria and honey fried Chinese licorice root and rhizome comprise the formula Four Gentlemen Decoction (Si Jun Zi Tang), a well known formula to tonify the Qi and strengthen the Spleen. Unlike many other Qi building formulas that are warming and drying, Four Gentlemen is harmonious and moderate in nature, effective at addressing any pattern where Spleen Qi deficiency is the root. White Asian ginseng root and rhizome strongly tonifies the primal Qi of the five organs, nourishes Yin, strengthens the Spleen, tonifies the Stomach and tonifies the Lung Qi. White atractylodes rhizome tonifies Spleen Qi, dries Dampness and supports healthy water metabolism. It addresses occasional accumulation of fluids affecting the digestion and occasional reduced urination, both due to Spleen deficiency and the Spleen’s inability to transform and transport. Poria tonifies the Spleen, eliminates Dampness and calms the Heart Spirit. It supports healthy urination, harmonizes the Middle Burner and transforms Phlegm. Honey fried Chinese Licorice root and rhizome tonifies Spleen Qi, clears Heat and resolves Fire. It also moderates and harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.
The other herbs in the formula further supplement the Spleen, transform Dampness, harmonize the Stomach and fortify the Lungs. Chinese yam rhizome and Lotus seed tonify and augment the Spleen and Stomach, tonify the Kidneys, stabilize the Essence, nourish the Heart, and calm the Spirit. Hyacinth bean strengthens the Spleen, nourishes the Stomach, transforms Dampness and harmonizes the Middle. Platycodon root opens and disseminates Lung Qi, dispels Phlegm, benefits the throat and guides the action of the other herbs into the Lungs, preventing Lung Qi deficiency, a condition that commonly follows Spleen Qi deficiency. Chinese amomum fruit warms the Middle, transforms Dampness, strengthens the Spleen, and addresses Qi stagnation affecting the Spleen and Stomach. Job’s tears seed facilitates the resolution of Dampness, strengthens the Spleen and clears Damp Heat.
Shen Ling Spleen Support can be combined with any other formula when further support of the Spleen Qi and increased Damp draining properties are desired. For further support of Spleen Qi combined with Blood deficiency, use Four Substances. For further support of the Kidneys while protecting the Spleen, combine with Replenish the Left, Rehmannia Six or Two Immortals.
Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era (Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Ming), Song Dynasty (960-1279). This formula is a modification of Four Gentlemen Decoction (Si Jun Zi Tang), used for tonifying the Qi and strengthening the Spleen. It contains additional herbs which further supplement the Spleen, transform Dampness, harmonize the Stomach, fortify the Lungs and awaken Qi transformation.