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The unimpeded flow of Qi is said to be the root of health, and any impediment to its flow can become the basis of many patterns of disharmony. Qi is the dynamic organizing force: it shapes the organism and governs the rhythm of body processes. When Qi becomes congested, the smooth, pulsatory movement of the viscera is altered, and the free and easy circulation of Moisture and Blood is hampered. Thwarted or obstructed Qi may quickly devolve into stagnation of Moisture and Blood and, if prolonged, depletion of Qi, Moisture and Blood will ensue. Disordered movement of Qi will undermine the harmonious function of the Organs (Zang Fu), Channels (Jing Luo) and Three Burners (San Jiao).

Since many supplementing herbs are viscous, dense and difficult to digest, they can cause congestion, particularly of the Spleen and Stomach. Herbs that disperse Qi are often essential adjuncts to tonifying formulas to prevent stagnation.

Disperse Qi facilitates the upward and downward, inward and outward circulation of Qi that ensures the equitable distribution of Moisture and Blood.


Analyzed in relation to the Three Burners, Platycodon root and Perilla fruit help to expand and relax the chest and throat, dispel phlegm, and promote the downward movement of Lung Qi. Magnolia bark harmonizes the interaction between the Middle and Upper Burners by countering the reflux of Stomach Qi, moving digestate downward and assisting the action of Perilla fruit upon the descending Qi of the Lung. Tangerine dried rind of green fruit, Bitter orange mature fruit and dry fried Barley sprout decongest the Qi of the Spleen and Stomach, allowing pure Qi and Moisture to rise, and coarse Qi and digestate to descend. Prepared Cyperus rhizome, Saussurea root and Tangerine dried rind of green fruit harmonize the interaction of the Spleen, Stomach and Liver, while supporting rhythmic peristalsis of the gallbladder, pancreas and intestines, as well as the smooth contractions of the uterus. Chinese amomum fruit dispels Cold and warms the Qi of the Lower and Middle Burners, while Coptis rhizome dispels the Heat and Dampness that arises from stagnant Qi and Moisture. Together, these herbs promote the free flow of Qi and harmonize the interaction of the Three Burners and their respective viscera.