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Dispel Stasis in the Middle Palace (Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang) has been in use since 1830 for Blood stasis of the abdomen (i.e. below the diaphragm). Chinese red peony root, Chinese licorice root and rhizome and dry fried Bitter orange mature fruit are three of the four herbs in the Qi-moving formula Four Cold Extremities Formula (Si Ni San).

Rehmannia has been removed and replaced with more Blood-movers, namely Tree peony root bark, dry fried peeled Peach seed and Carthamus flower. Dong gui root and Sichuan lovage rhizome have been added to strengthen the Blood-moving action of the formula. Lastly, Lindera tuber, prepared Cyperus rhizome and prepared Corydalis yanhusuo tuber are added to further invigorate the circulation and the Qi.

For stasis above the diaphragm, choose Blood’s Palace (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang) or Dispel Stasis in the Palace of Blood (Jia Wei Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang). For lower body Blood stasis, choose Dispel Stasis in the Lower Palace (Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang).