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Kan's Concentrated Liquid Extracts

by Dr. Darren Huckle DAOM, LAcon May 28, 2024

And Dr. Skylar Stumpf DTCM, LAc

Let's dive in to the fascinating realm of concentrated liquid herbal extracts! As healthcare professionals committed to seeking expansion of our knowledge and enhancing patient care, comprehending the intricacies of herbal medicine and their crafting and delivery can be a big boon for patient compliance and practice success. Herbal extracts offer a potent and versatile approach to herbal therapeutics, standing out with a unique method of production and healing potential.

Herbal Extracts, Maximal Delivery

Herbal extracts differ significantly from traditional tinctures, offering greater potency, a precise, controlled method of capturing the essence of herbs, and are typically lower in alcohol content. These extracts are prepared through a decoction process that involves simmering the herbs in a water-alcohol mixture, which allows for the extraction of both water- and alcohol-soluble constituents—another difference compared to tinctures. This method not only enhances the potency of the extract, but also preserves the delicate aromatic and volatile components of the herbs.

All volatile compounds are sequestered throughout the production process--an essential step for securing many of the active agents found in the broad pharmacopeia of East Asian medicine-- and a feature which distinguishes Kan's liquid herbal extracts from granulations, encapsulations, and decoctions. This production method can also be seen as a concentrated decoction, amplified by alcohol’s benefits of preserving and stabilizing the formulation and dissolving specific herbal compounds which would otherwise go uncaptured. It is precisely this process which concentrates and potentiates the flavor (wèi/味), the essence of the formula and the means by which the herbs exert their positive effect. This is a major aspect which defines Kan’s unique offering to improve patients’ and practitioners’ wellbeing.


Additionally, the low level of alcohol relative to the high concentration of herbs within these extracts allows for palatable dosing and reduces potential health or other concerns around the ingestion of ethanol. This makes extracts an excellent choice for a broader range of clients, including those sensitive to alcohol or with specific dietary preferences.

Regarding Patient Acceptance, Compliance, and Potential Biases

Despite their benefits, some patients may harbor perceived biases regarding herbal extracts due to their robust flavor or alcohol content. Addressing these concerns is helpful and necessary for successful integration into clinical practice. Educating patients about the trainability of taste buds and the importance of flavor in herbal action can help them appreciate the sensory experience of healing with herbal extracts.

The experience of taste is highly subjective and can be profoundly influenced by our perceptions. Think about how many foods you've grown to love because of their health benefits, even if they initially tasted unpleasant.

If someone struggles with the taste of certain herbs, there are a couple of options:

  1. Rich Flavored Juices: A small amount (about a tablespoon) of pomegranate, concord grape, mulberry, or cherry juice can mask the herbal flavor.
  1. Water and a Chaser: Adding a bit of water to the herbs and quickly swallowing them, followed by a flavorful chaser, can also make them more palatable.

On a deeper level, tasting herbs can be seen as a metaphor for embracing life's complexities. Life isn't always sweet; it's a blend of flavors – bitter, spicy, sour, salty, and yes, sometimes very sweet. As the saying goes, "eat bitter" (or chīkǔ/吃苦 in Chinese). This means accepting and even appreciating the challenging aspects of life, recognizing that adversity can be a catalyst for growth and resilience.

Bitter flavors, much like life's difficulties, can be incredibly beneficial. By embracing the bitter, we develop a greater appreciation for all of life's flavors, both sweet and challenging.

This sensory aspect can be seen as therapeutic, as taste and olfaction produce powerful, immediate signals which course within the nervous system. Additionally (and wildly), taste receptors like those found on the tongue exist throughout the body, populating the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, pancreas, bladder, and brain!

For example, one can taste and feel the richness of blood nourishing formulas such as Four Substances (Si Wu Tang), the cool wetness of Wise Judge (Sha Shen Mai Dong Yin/Sheng Mai San), or the bitter heat clearing nature of Coptid-Detox (Huang Lian Jie Du Tang). Spicy, aromatic herbs also thrive in extracts where their dynamism is preserved and accentuated.


The potent taste of herbal extracts serves as a powerful reminder to our patients: these are not ordinary flavors, and that's precisely the point. We seek these vibrant herbs because we desire change in our lives. Each time we experience their unique taste, we are reconnected to that longing for transformation.

These flavors communicate directly with our body, mind, and energy, guiding them towards the desired shifts.

This sensory experience becomes a ritual of intention, a constant reminder of the changes we seek and the power of these natural remedies to support us on our journey.

For patients with reservations about alcohol content, methods such as diluting extracts in hot water, which allows for the evaporation of the ethanol, or employing alternate formulations with lower alcohol content can be discussed (such as a glycerin-based extract). This precise and flexible approach respects patient preferences and can help gracefully integrate herbal extracts into their wellness routines.

The potent taste of herbal extracts, partly due to their alcohol content, serves as a reminder of their transformative power. To put this in perspective, each ounce of extract contains roughly the same amount of alcohol as half a shot, half a bottle of beer, or half a glass of wine. This amount is typically spread over ten days when taking 1ml three times daily.

For those sensitive to alcohol, there are options. Pouring 2-4oz of boiled water over the 1ml of extract in a cup helps evaporate much of the alcohol, although some aromatic compounds may also be lost. Alternatively, tablets can be a suitable choice for patients with a history of alcoholism, while others might feel comfortable using extracts despite the alcohol. It's always best to discuss this with our patients to find the most appropriate option.

Each 1ml serving contains only 1/60th of a standard serving of alcohol. The benefits of these potent extracts often outweigh this minimal amount, but open communication and personalized solutions ensure a positive experience for everyone.


The use of herbal extracts excels in both acute and chronic challenges due to their rapid absorption, concentrated nature, and ease of assimilation. These unique formulations are particularly potent in situations requiring swift action, such as calming the spirit, supporting sleep, or relieving the symptoms of illness. Additionally, their versatility extends beyond oral use; they can be applied topically for pain or injury (check out Invigorate the Collaterals and Great Mender), incorporated into oils for manual therapy and massage, or even added to nasal rinses during allergy and cold season (peak vibrant yellow CoptiClear for sinus care or topically for inflammation).

To create a truly personalized formula, two or more of Kan’s formulas can be blended. For example, if a patient requires additional blood nourishment after menstruation, 20-50% of Four Substances could be added to their constitutional formula. For your convenience, Kan offers empty dropper bottles perfect for these custom creations. We find the wide variety of herbal extracts carried in our catalog to be our highest quality and most effective offering for optimal health.

The adaptability of herbal extracts is especially apparent for chronic applications, such as nourishing blood or tonifying the Spleen, where frequent dosing and ease of digestibility is beneficial. Grasping these diverse applications can allow for tailored treatments, addressing individual client needs more effectively. Kan Herb Company offers select formulas as herbal extracts which are found nowhere else.

As we explore the advantages, applications, and nuances of herbal extracts, it is worthwhile to continue educating ourselves and our patients about these powerful tools. By demystifying the nature of an herbal extract and emphasizing their therapeutic potential, we can learn to integrate these potent herbal formulations into holistic healthcare practices, improving patient outcomes and embracing the full spectrum of healing traditions, both modern and traditional.

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