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Women’s Chamber is based on the classical formula Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan taken from the Eastern Han Dynasty text, Essential Formulas of the Golden Chest (220 A.D.), and has become the herbal basis for addressing congealed Blood imbalances. Six herbs have been added to the traditional formula to strongly move Blood and Qi: vinegar prepared Zedoary rhizome, Sparganium rhizome, Achryanthes root, prepared Cyperus rhizome, prepared Corydalis yanhusuo tuber, Chinese salvia root and rhizome and Chinese licorice root and rhizome.


Blood is a dense, material form of Qi and, as such, needs to flow evenly and regularly; its movement should never be forced or erratic. If the smooth flow of Blood is blocked, congealed Blood may result. Women’s Chamber is especially useful when congealed Blood accumulates. On a circulatory level, congealed Blood can manifest as occasional numbness in the limbs.


Blood is the aspect of ourselves that allows our behavior and activities to flow comfortably and smoothly; it allows us to feel rooted and to have a sense of our place in the world. Conversely, congealed Blood can cause feelings of disconnection from oneself. Women’s Chamber can help alleviate such emotional imbalances and restore a sense of stability.

Women’s Chamber is appropriate whenever congealed Blood causes occasional palpable masses. It is also helpful in relieving emotional trauma when a sense of the individual’s internal disconnectedness is evident.


The original Women’s Chamber (Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan) formulation was taken from one of the earliest texts on Chinese Herbology, Essential Formulas of the Golden Chest. The initial formula has been modified by the addition of six herbs, increasing its ability to move Blood and Qi.


Chinese cinnamon twig promotes circulation by warming the channels to unblock Blood vessels and break Blood stagnation. It is acrid, sweet and warm, and enters the Lung and Bladder meridians.

Poria is a main herb for eliminating Dampness and strengthening the Middle Burner. Additionally, in cases of Blood stagnation, its ability to drain downward can help blood circulation in the Lower Burner. It is sweet and neutral, and enters the Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Lung and Kidney meridians.

Tree peony root bark cools and invigorates Blood, and dispels congealed Blood. It is acrid, bitter and cool, and enters the Liver and Kidney meridians.

Dry fried peeled Peach seed breaks congealed Blood, and is especially effective for occasional abdominal masses related to menstrual disharmonies. It also lubricates the intestines, helping to alleviate occasional constipation caused by Dryness. It is bitter, sweet and neutral, and enters the Heart, Liver and Large Intestine meridians.

Chinese red peony root invigorates the Blood and breaks up Blood stasis. It is sour, bitter and slightly cold, and enters the Liver and Spleen meridians.

Sparganium rhizome dispels congealed Blood, moves Qi and eases stagnation related to the menses. It is especially useful for congealed Blood patterns. It is bitter, acrid and neutral, and enters the Liver and Spleen meridians.

Vinegar prepared Zedoary rhizome breaks up Blood stasis, invigorates Qi and reduces stagnation. It is bitter, acrid and warm, and enters the Liver and Spleen meridians.

Achyranthes root invigorates the Blood and moves congealed Blood. It also strengthens sinews and bones, has beneficial effects on joints and is valuable for occasional low back and leg discomfort. It is bitter, sour and neutral, and enters the Kidney and Liver meridians.

Chinese salvia root and rhizome is an important Blood-moving herb that is used for stagnation due to Blood stasis. It is bitter and cold, and enters the Heart, Pericardium and Liver meridians.

Prepared Cyperus rhizome is a crucial herb for moving Qi. It is acrid, slightly bitter and neutral, and enters the Liver and Triple Burner meridians.

Prepared Corydalis yanhusuo tuber moves Blood and circulates Qi. It is acrid, bitter and warm, and enters the Liver, Stomach and Lung meridians.

Chinese licorice root and rhizome harmonizes all the herbs in the formula and assists them in entering the meridians. It is sweet and neutral, and enters the Spleen and Lung meridians.