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Yu Nan Bai Yao

Kan Traditionals

Invigorates and regulates the Blood, retrains the Blood, disperses accumulation, clears Wind.

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Traumease addresses any pattern that has Blood stagnation or Blood stasis at its root, and is traditionally used when there is a need to simultaneously restrain the Blood while also preventing Blood stagnation. Traumease invigorates and regulates Blood while also restraining it, disperses accumulation, and clears Wind to support recovery by supporting healthy blood circulation.

Traumease contains a large amount of Tenchi ginseng root and rhizome, and is supported in its action by charred Bulsrush pollen, to invigorate the Blood, disperse accumulation, and restrain Blood. Chinese yam rhizome and Japanese dioscorea rhizome work synergistically: Chinese yam rhizome strengthens the Spleen and drains fluid accumulation to support healthy muscles, while Japanese dioscorea rhizome expels Wind and Dampness and opens the channels to support healthy sinews. Cranesbill herb disperses Wind and Dampness and unblocks the channels, clearing Heat to support healthy skin. Sanguisorba root, Barbed skullcap herb and Oldenlandia herb clear Heat and cool the Blood, while the latter two also invigorate Blood.

Charred Bulrush pollen restrains Blood and removes Blood stasis. Sanguisorba root cools the Blood, restrains the blood, clears Heat from the Blood and the skin, and supports healthy skin. Oldenlandia herb and Barbed skullcap herb strongly clear Damp Heat, invigorate Blood, disperse accumulation, restrain Blood, and support healthy urination.

For stronger support of the sinews, bones and tendons, combine with Great Mender Formula. For concurrent invasion of Wind Cold, combine with Meridian Comfort or Kudzu Releasing Formula. For Wind Cold Damp obstruction in the meridians with stagnation and accumulation, combine with Meridian Circulation.

Yu Nan Bai Yao.