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Stomach Support

Qing wei san & Yu nu jian

Kan Traditionals

Clears Stomach Fire, enriches Stomach and Kidney Yin, cools the Blood.

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Stomach Support is based on Clear the Stomach Powder (Qing Wei San), with ingredients added from Jade Woman Decoction (Yu Nu Jian), two important formulas that clear Heat in the Stomach. By combining these two formulas, the presentation is broadened to clear Stomach Heat, enrich Yin, and vent to the Exterior.

The Stomach channel, or Bright Yang channel, is considered abundant in Blood and Qi. This abundance leads to a tendency for excess, prone to both Heat and Dryness, symptoms of Yin deficiency. Stomach Fire most often arises from an excessive intake of energetically hot foods such as coffee, meat, fried and spicy foods, alcohol, or from depleting lifestyles.

Because the Stomach channel travels in the frontal aspects of the body, occasional frontal discomfort and red eyes may manifest. General signs and symptoms of Heat, such as an occasional red face, occasional extreme thirst for cold drinks, strong hunger and irritability may also present. Stomach Support strongly drains Stomach Fire, cools the Blood, nourishes Stomach and Kidney Yin, and supports a healthy Stomach and oral health.

Raw Rehmannia root, the chief herb, cools the Blood, clears Heat, nourishes Kidney Yin to restrain Fire, and generates fluids, while Tree peony root bark clears Heat, cools and moves Blood. These two herbs are often combined to address Blood Heat leading to stasis with concurrent Yin deficiency. Gypsum clears Heat, drains Fire and excels at cooling blazing Stomach Fire. Coptis rhizome cools Heat, drains Stomach Fire, and drains Dampness. Anemarrhena rhizome clears Heat, drains Fire, enriches Yin, moistens dryness and generates fluids. Cimicifuga rhizome cools Stomach Heat and Blood. Dong quai root nourishes and invigorates the Blood and Ophiopogon tuber nourishes Stomach Yin and reduces thirst.

Several formulas address related patterns. Liver Flow addresses Liver overacting on the Stomach. Digestive Harmony Formula addresses excess patterns of food stagnation.

Peaceful Earth addresses a pattern of food stagnation while simultaneously strengthening the Spleen Qi and expelling Wind. Bupleurum Soothing Liver Formula addresses excess patterns of Liver Qi stagnation. Wei Te Ling calms rebellious Stomach Qi and harmonizes and strengthens the Middle Burner.

Stomach Support is based on two common formulas for clearing Heat lodged in the Stomach channel. Clear the Stomach Powder (Qing Wei San) was first published in the Secrets from the Orchid Chamber in 1336, and was recommended for excess of Stomach Fire, and Jade Woman Decoction (Yu Nu Jian), first published in 1624 in the Collected Treatises of Zhang Jing-Yue, which drains Stomach Heat and nourishes Yin.