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Siler and Coix Clearing Formula

Qing shang fang feng tang jia yi yi ren

Kan Traditionals

Clears Heat and Blazing Fire from the Upper Burner, dispels Dampness and Wind.

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Siler and Coix Clearing Formula is based on the classical formula, Clear the Upper Burner Decoction with Schizonepeta, itself a modification of Coptis Decoction to Resolve Blazing Fire (Huang Lian Jie Du Tang). It is commonly used to address excess in the Upper Burner manifesting as Fire, specifically in the skin of the head, neck and face. Fire can accumulate due to External or Internal causes and has a tendency to rise to the head and Upper Burner. Dampness accumulates near the surface and is expressed in the skin. Accumulation of Dampness and Heat in the skin may manifest from internally generated Heat from the Liver and Stomach that rebels upward. This pattern is particularly common in young adults who tend to have excess Yang energy as well as lifestyles that may contribute to the pattern, such as excess consumption of energetically hot foods, alcohol, greasy or rich foods, excessive emotions or stress, or irregular sleep patterns, all of which contribute to stagnation of Qi, and the engendering of Dampness.

Individuals with this presentation can also have occasional constipation, absence of sweating, scanty urination, and excessive thirst. Siler and Coix Clearing Formula, a drying formula, is most appropriate for Damp Heat lodged in the skin, as well as for clearing Heat lodged in the head and face. The formula’s intent is to clear blazing Fire, drain Dampness and expel Wind.

Fragrant Angelica root, the chief herb in this formula, releases the Exterior, expels Wind and dries Dampness lodged in the skin. It is assisted by Chinese licorice root and rhizome and Platycodon root to relieve stagnation and vent Heat. The latter also pushes out accumulations, opens up and disseminates Lung Qi, and dispels Phlegm.

Coptis rhizome, Gardenia fruit, Chinese skullcap root and Job’s tears seed clear blazing Fire, cool the Blood, clear Damp Heat in the Gallbladder and Triple Burner channels of the face, and dry Dampness.

Siler root and Schizonepeta herb release the Exterior, expel Wind Dampness, alleviate stagnation, vents occasional rashes and alleviates occasional itching. Chinese mint herb facilitates the dispersal of Upper Burner Heat, disperses Wind Heat, vents occasional rashes, and allows constrained Liver Qi to flow freely. Forsythia fruit cools and vents Heat from the Interior and Exterior. Sichuan lovage rhizome supports the movement of Blood, subdues Wind and alleviates stagnation. Bitter orange immature fruit breaks up stagnant Qi and directs it downward.

Derma Wind Release focuses more strongly on an exterior Wind Heat or Dampness interacting with an internal condition of Damp Heat. Colorful Phoenix Pearl Combination addresses Blood Heat and blazing Fire lodged in the skin.

Siler and Coix Clearing Formula was first introduced in 1587 and is a modification of Coptis Decoction to Resolve Blazing Fire (Huang Lian Jie Du Tang), focusing its effect on the upper body while adding herbs that disperse Wind and reduce accumulation.