Restore Restraint
Sang Piao Xiao San
Kan Essentials
Tonifies Kidney, tonifies Heart Qi and Blood to anchor the Spirit, restrains leakage of Essence.
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- Herb: Dong quai root, Palmleaf raspberry fruit, Dragon bone, Prepared rehmannia root, Chinese red ginseng root and rhizome, Poria with wood root, Altaica rhizome, Polygala root
- Herb (Pinyin): Dang gui shen, Fu pen zi, Long gu, Shu di huang, Hong ren shen, Fu shen mu, Jiu jie chang pu, Yuan zhi
- Pattern: Heart Blood and Qi deficiency, Kidney Qi deficiency, Heart Qi deficiency, Restrains the Leakage of Fluids or Essence
- Actions: Tonify Kidney, Tonify Heart Qi, restrains leakage of Essence
- Indications: Occasional fatigue, lethargy, Supports emotional wellbeing, confusion or disorientation, Supports healthy bladder function, Occasional irritability or anxiety, Occasional reactions to environmental stressors, Temporary frequent urination, Supports healthy urination regularity, Occasional anxiety in animals
- Contraindications: Vigorous Fire in Lower Burner, Damp Heat.
- Tongue: Pale with white coat.
- Pulse: Thin, slow
Restore Restraint (Sang Piao Xiao San) addresses a disharmony between the Kidney and the Heart. Its action is two-fold – to harmonize the Kidney and Heart, thereby calming the Spirit, and to restrain the leakage of fluids.
Dragon bone, Poria with wood root, Polygala root and Altaica rhizome calm the Spirit and ease restlessness. Chinese red ginseng root and rhizome tonifies the Qi, while Dong quai root tonifies the Blood. Mantis egg-case and Palmleaf raspberry fruit astringe the leakage of fluids. Polygala root and Poria with wood root direct the focus of the formula towards the Kidney and Bladder.