Restore Integrity
Shut the Sluice Pill, Sang Piao Xiao San
Kan Herbals
Regulates and supports Kidney and Heart, stabilizes the Essence (Jing), astringes leakage.
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- Herb: Dragon bone, Polygala root, Altaica rhizome, Poria, Sharp-leaf ganangal fruit, Chinese red ginseng root and rhizome, Chinese yam rhizome, Lindera tuber, Asiatic cornelian cherry, Palmleaf raspberry fruit, Schisandra fruit, Dong quai root, Chinese licorice root and rhizome, Epimedium herb
- Herb (Pinyin): Long gu, Yuan zhi, Jiu jie chang pu, Fu ling, Yi zhi ren, Hong ren shen, Shan yao, Wu yao, Shan zhu yu, Fu pen zi, Wu wei zi, Dang gui shen, Gan cao, Yin yang huo
- Pattern: Heart and Kidney not communicating, deficient Heart and Kidney Qi, Bladder losing its restraint
- Actions: stabilizes the Essence (Jing), Astringes leakage, Tonify Kidney Qi, Yin, and Yang , Harmonize Heart and Kidney
- Indications: Supports emotional wellbeing, Supports a healthy urinary system, Occasional anxiety, depression, irritability, or agitation, Occasional cloudy urine, leakage of sperm or urine, occasional watery vaginal discharge, incontinence, Disturbed sleep with vivid dreaming, forgetfulness or spaciness, Supports healthy sexual activity, Patterns of Damp Heat or deficiency Fire in the Lower burner
- Tongue: Pale and puffy with a possible thin white coat.
- Pulse: Combination of weak, thin, slow, uneven or scattered qualities.
Restore Integrity is the primary formula for addressing the essential communication between the Kidney and Heart. The Kidney is a manifestation of the Water element and ultimate Yin; the Heart of the Fire element and Yang: they each nurture and check each other. Water and Fire are opposite in nature, but necessary for the promotion and manifestation of life and consciousness. Any loss of equilibrium between the Heart and Kidney will lead to emotional disturbances, especially of the most intimate of human relationships, that of sexuality and love. The Heart and Kidney each contain Yin and Yang, Fire and Water, so this relationship of opposites exists not only between the sexes, but inside of ourselves as well. Loss of equilibrium of these polarities leads to loss of peace and a squandering of vital essences. The Kidney stores the Zhi, or life-will, the force that propels us through our existence without wavering from our unique path. It is that which allows us to commit ourselves to relationships with our loved ones. The Heart stores the Spirit (Shen), the clear consciousness that both transcends and measures our limited existence, providing clarity and wisdom.
Used for temporary frequent urination, occasional cloudy urine, leakage of sperm or excessive watery vaginal discharge and occasional incomplete voiding of the bladder, when it matches the overall pattern of this formula. This formula also deals with a wide realm of psychosexual patterns, where emotional issues in relationships and within oneself interfere with normal sexual function. The individual may have occasional nocturnal emissions, disturbed sleep with vivid dreams or spend their days exhausted and dull-minded. Restore Integrity can be used for occasional patterns of impotence, weak erection or premature ejaculation
The loss of coordination between the Heart and Kidney causes disorientation and forgetfulness, spaciness and a feeling that one is somehow unreal. There is difficulty in carrying out long-term relationships, a general feeling of being scattered and lack of responsibility in caring and giving to others. Despite the strong desire for sexual fulfillment, this is rarely possible, and sex ends up being somehow anticlimactic. This can lead to promiscuity and exhaustion, further exacerbating this pattern.
Restore Integrity can help restore the Heart-Kidney connection, allowing a person to develop their groundedness, self-awareness, propriety and gracefulness. Although it can be useful for many female patterns, this is in essence a “male” formula.
The original formula, Mantis Egg-case Powder (Sang Piao Xiao San) appeared in Extension of the Materia Medica (Ben cao yan yi), written in 1116 A.D. by Kou Zong-Shi. Restore Integrity (Sang Piao Xiao San and Suo Quan Wan) adds the ingredients of Chen Zi-Ming’s “Shut the Sluice Pill” (Suo Quan Wan) from Good Formulas for Women (Fu ren liang feng): Sharp-leaf galangal fruit, Lindera tuber and Chinese yam rhizome, which dispel Cold in the Lower Burner and warm the Kidneys. We also replaced Freshwater turtle shell with Schisandra fruit and Asiatic cornelian cherry to increase the astringency of Essence (Jing) and protect the vital Yin element.
Dragon bone calms the Spirit (Shen) and relieves fear, secures Essence (Jing) and stops occasional loss of sweat, blood and semen. It harmonizes the Heart and Kidney. It is neutral, sweet and astringent. It enters the Heart, Liver, Kidney and Large Intestine meridians.
Polygala root quiets the Spirit (Shen) and sharpens the mind, restoring the equilibrium between the Heart and Kidney. It is warm, bitter and pungent, entering the Heart and Kidney meridians.
Poria calms the Heart and Spirit (Shen), while disinhibiting excessive Dampness from the tissues, which promotes urination. It also strengthens the Spleen, mildly supplementing the Qi. It is neutral, mild and sweet, entering the Heart, Spleen and Small Intestine meridians.
Altaica rhizome opens up the five senses, brightens the consciousness, scours Phlegm and calms the Spirit (Shen). It restores the sense of direction and purpose to one’s life, cutting through feebleness and indecision. It is warm, bitter and pungent, entering the Heart, Liver and Spleen meridians.
Chinese yam rhizome fortifies the Spleen and Lung, stabilizes the Kidney and boosts the Essence (Jing). Its astringent nature restrains discharge and leakage manifesting as occasional loose stool, vaginal discharge and loss of semen, and promotes a healthy urinary system. It is neutral and sweet, with a glutinous quality, and enters the Lung, Spleen and Kidney meridians.
Asiatic cornelian cherry strengthens the Liver and Kidney, astringes the Essential Qi and stops loss of urine, sweat or semen from deficiency. It is sour, astringent and warm, entering the Liver and Kidney meridians.
Chinese red ginseng root and rhizome strongly supplements the Original Qi, supports healthy urination, relieves occasional insomnia and brightens the Spirit (Shen). It is warm, sweet and slightly bitter, entering primarily the Spleen and Lung meridians, but also benefiting the Heart and Spirit (Shen).
Lindera tuber strongly warms and penetrates the Kidneys, inhibiting excess urination and loss of Essence (Jing), and normalizes Qi flow in the body. It is very warm and pungent, entering the Lung, Spleen, Kidney and Bladder meridians.
Sharp-leaf galangal fruit is the chief herb in “Shut the Sluice Pill” (Suo Quan Wan), used to warm the Spleen and Kidney, helping the Kidneys grasp the Qi and restrain urination. It also supplements the Spleen Qi to help metabolize the fluids. It is warm and pungent, entering the Spleen and Kidney meridians.
Palm leaf raspberry fruit enriches the Kidneys without causing dryness or Heat, and binds the Essence. It is sweet, astringent and neutral and enters the Kidney and Liver meridians.
Schisandra fruit enriches the Kidney, engenders the fluids, astringes Essence (Jing), constrains sweating, urination and discharge of semen. It also is calming to the Spirit (Shen) and an all- purpose adaptogenic tonic herb. It relieves occasional night sweats and nocturnal emissions. It is warm, sour and astringent, and enters the Lung and Kidney meridians.
Dong quai root strengthens and harmonizes the Blood and Yin, restoring the calm center and reassuring one’s wellbeing. It is warm, sweet, pungent and slightly bitter, and enters the Heart, Liver and Spleen meridians.
Chinese licorice root and rhizome harmonizes and strengthens Spleen Qi, and harmonizes the ingredients in this formula. It is slightly warm and sweet, and enters all the meridians.
Epimedium herb tonifies the Kidneys, fortifies the Yang and the Fire at the Gate of Vitality. It dispels Wind-Cold-Dampness and warms and unblocks the flow of Yang Qi. It is acrid, sweet and warm and enters the Kidney and Liver meridians.