Rehmannia Eight Combination
Ba Wei Di Huang Wan
Kan Essentials
Nourishes Kidney Qi, Yin and Yang, adding warmth to the Lower Burner.
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- Herb: Prepared rehmannia root, Chinese yam rhizome, Asiatic cornelian cherry, Poria, Asian water plantain rhizome, Tree peony root bark, Chinese cinnamon bark, Prepared aconite root
- Herb (Pinyin): Shu di huang, Shan yao, Shan zhu yu, Fu ling, Ze xie, Mu dan pi, Rou gui, Zhi fu zi
- Actions: Nourishes Kidney Qi, Yin, Yang, Warms lower burner
- Indications: Occasional fatigue, lethargy, Supports healthy blood sugar levels, frequent urination, Occasional urinary incontinence, Supports renal health, Occasional low back weakness or stiffness, lack of vitality, Possible water retention, Supports healthy thyroid functions
- Contraindications: Avoid use in animals with acute renal inflammation.
- Tongue: Purple, Swollen with a moist coat
- Pulse: Weak
Rehmannia Eight Combination is the literal translation of Ba Wei Di Huang Wan, also known as Precious Golden Tonify the Qi Pill (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan). This formula was another lasting contribution of Zhang Zhong-Jing of the Han dynasty, and was first published in about 500 A.D. in Essentials of the Golden Cabinet. Qi is life force, and is generated through the mingling of Yin and Yang; Rehmannia Eight Combination contains tonics for both. The Yang tonics also add warmth to the lower burner, assisting the Bladder in water transportation.
The first three herbs are Yin tonics. Prepared Rehmannia root has an overall warming effect, and nourishes Kidney Yin and Blood. Chinese yam rhizome astringes Essence, helping to avoid dryness in the Kidneys, Lung and Middle Burner. Asiatic cornelian cherry nourishes Liver Blood and Yin, and helps astringe Kidney Essence leakage.
Balancing the potential cloying effects of these three Yin tonics are three moving and draining herbs. Asian water plantain rhizome promotes urination. Poria provides gentle Spleen support and leeches Damp from the Middle Burner where Chinese yam rhizome acts. Tree peony root bark clears Heat accumulating in the Liver, secondary to stasis. Asiatic cornelian cherry warms and astringes. Chinese cinnamon bark and prepared Aconite root warm the Kidneys and dispel Cold in the Lower Burner.