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    Purge Sticky Stuff

    Chinese Modular Solutions

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    The formation of Phlegm is similar to that of congealed Blood in the sense that both patterns represent long-term accumulation, stagnation and transformation of healthy body constituents. In this case, Moisture (as a result of Qi stagnation, the creation of Dampness or the influence of Dryness, Heat and Cold) congeals into Phlegm and obstructs the movement of Qi, Moisture and Blood.

    “Visible” Phlegm is a form of congealed Moisture or Dampness. However, there is a related entity, “invisible” Phlegm that, when transmitted upward together with Wind or Heat, obstructs the Qi of the Pericardium and Heart, and is sometimes construed to be the primary factor in many complex patterns of disharmony associated with the nervous system and the sense organs.

    Since Phlegm is generated by a process of accretion and congealing, it is properly addressed with herbs that help the body to transform and discharge it via the bronchi (expectoration), stomach (emesis) or bowel (catharsis).

    Purge Sticky Stuff employs herbs that dispel Phlegm, purge Heat or Cold, tonify Moisture, support occasional expectoration and assist distribution and transformation of Moisture by the Spleen and Lung.


    Trichosanthes seed, Zhejiang fritillary bulb, Bamboo secretion, Perilla fruit, honey fried Stemona root and Platycodon root moisturize the Lung, dispel Phlegm, clear Heat and ease occasional expectoration. Licorice cured Pinellia rhizome, Bitter orange immature fruit and Magnolia bark counter rebellious Qi, alleviate accumulation of Phlegm, redirect Lung Qi downward, decongest Qi and, along with Poria, help to transform Dampness and protect the Spleen  and  Stomach.  Sargassum herb, a type of seaweed, softens hard accretions of Phlegm and disperses congealed Phlegm, especially in the Upper Burner.

    Finally, bile prepared Arisaema rhizome counters Qi constraint and dispels Wind that often becomes entangled with Phlegm and congests the channels and organs of the Upper Burner. As a whole, this formula transforms and dispels Phlegm, disperses Dampness, improves the circulation of Qi and Moisture, counters rebellious Qi and eliminates Wind.