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    Purge Damp Heat

    Chinese Modular Solutions

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    The phenomenon of Damp Heat is a unique theoretical construct as well as a frequently encountered challenging physiological phenomenon. The entities of Dampness and Heat frequently coexist in the patterns of disharmony known as Damp Heat. However, Damp Heat is not merely a combination of these two, but the outcome of their metamorphosis into a secondary entity − a process analogous to the transformation of the two gases hydrogen and oxygen into the compound water.

    Damp Heat is emblematic of the concept of entanglement. Special ingredients are employed, with specific Damp Heat clearing properties that disentangle or separate the Dampness from the Heat, analogous to separating the molecules of hydrogen and oxygen from each other. Traditionally, herbs such as Andrographis, Skullcap root, Phellodendron bark and Gardenia fruit are used because of their unique ability to simultaneously cool and dry. They are usually combined with herbs that facilitate downward discharge via the bowels and bladder.

    Purge Damp Heat dispels Damp Heat by utilizing ingredients that disperse Qi, dry Dampness and discharge Heat downward via the intestines and bladder.


    Chinese skullcap root, Phellodendron bark, Gardenia fruit, Shrubby sophora root and Capillaris herb disentangle Damp Heat within all three Burners, acting particularly upon the Lung, Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder and Large Intestine. Andrographis herb, similar in property and nature to Coptis rhizome, is able to clear Damp Heat and, with Forsythia fruit and Dandelion herb, enhances the properties of clearing Heat and Damp Heat.

    Plantain seed and Dandelion herb enhance the elimination of Heat and Damp Heat from the genito-urinary organs via urination. Poria, Evodia fruit and Chinese licorice root and rhizome protect the Spleen and Stomach from the cold, bitter, purging nature of the primary herbs and gentle their strong effects.

    All together, the herbs in this combination disentangle and eliminate Damp Heat, Heat and associated accumulations (Zhuo), especially from the alimentary and genito-urinary systems.