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Pinellia Dispersing Formula

Qing qi hua tan wan

Kan Traditionals

Resolves Phlegm, clears Heat, diffuses the Lung Qi and directs it downward, supports healthy Lung functions, regulates the Qi.

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Pinellia Dispersing Formula is based on Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill (Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan), which has its roots in Two Cured Decoction (Er Chen Tang). This formula addresses a pattern of Phlegm Heat clumping in the Lungs. Phlegm Heat often accumulates in the Interior, from either an external invasion that has become lodged in the Interior or from Internal Heat. The Spleen is unable to move the fluids and Internal Fire dries and thickens the body fluids, turning them into Phlegm. This Phlegm Heat in turn can obstruct the normal dissemination of the Lung Qi. Fire and Phlegm can also obstruct the Qi of the Middle Burner, which can manifest as occasional focal distention and a feeling of fullness in the chest region. Pinellia Dispersing Formula drains Heat and transforms Phlegm, clears Fire and regulates the Qi.

The herbs in Pinellia Dispersing Formula are focused on three principles: transforming Phlegm, clearing Lung Heat and moving Qi. The chief herb in this formula, bile prepared Arisaema rhizome strongly addresses Phlegm and Fire, clears and transforms Phlegm Heat, and extinguishes Wind. Chinese skullcap root assists the chief herb by clearing Heat and drying Dampness. Trichosanthes seed clears and transforms Phlegm Heat, expands the chest and addresses accumulation of Phlegm in the chest. These two herbs work together to clear Lung Heat and transform Hot Phlegm, augmenting the actions of the chief herb.

Licorice cured Pinellia rhizome dries Dampness in order to transform Phlegm, and directs rebellious Qi to descend. Red tangerine peel dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm and combines with Licorice cured Pinellia rhizome to address Phlegm Dampness.

Dry fried Bitter orange immature fruit breaks up stagnant Qi, reduces accumulation, transforms Phlegm and expels focal distention. Apricot seed directs the Lung Qi downward and dispels Wind Cold from the Lungs. Poria strengthens the Spleen, leaches out Dampness, harmonizes the Middle Burner and quiets the Heart.

Pinellia Dispersing Formula contains no Wind releasing herbs. For more acute Wind Heat patterns, it may be preceded by or combined with Gan Mao Ling or Initial Defense from the Kan Herbals line.

Similar formulas to clear Heat include: Qing Fei Clearing Formula which clears Lung Heat and Liver Fire and clears Phlegm Heat from the Lung; and BreathEase which clears Phlegm Heat accumulation in the Lungs with a possible Wind Cold Invasion.

Exterior releasing formulas include Calm Breath Formula which clears Heat from the Lungs caused by an external invasion, moistens Lungs and transforms Phlegm; Great White Lung Formula which clears a Wind Heat or Wind Cold invasion transforming into Heat in the Lung and clears Phlegm; Lung Qi Release which warms and releases an exterior lingering invasion; and Blue Green Lung Formula which releases an exterior Wind Cold invasion, warm the Lungs and transforms Phlegm.

Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill (Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan) was originally recorded in Jing-Yue’s Complete Works (Jing Yue Chuan Shu), by Zhang Jing-Yue in 1624. It is a variation of Two-Cured Decoction (Er Chen Tang). Its basic strategy was explained by Wang Ang in Analytic Collection of Formulas: “When there is a surfeit of Qi, Fire results; when there is a surfeit of fluids, Phlegm results. Therefore, in addressing Phlegm it is necessary first to direct the fluids downward, and in addressing Fire it is necessary to smooth the flow of Qi.” Our formulation is true to the original.