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Sexual health and fertility have been studied by Chinese herbalists since the writing of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic in the 2nd century BCE. The Nei Jing states that female development occurs in seven year cycles, and at seven times seven, or age 49, a woman’s menstrual cycle may cease and her vitality and fertility may decline. Male development occurs in eight year cycles, and a man’s virility and fertility may decline at eight times eight, or age 64. The authors of the Inner Classic qualify their prognoses, however, by declaring that an occasional decrease of fecundity and gusto may occur much earlier as a result of improper living habits people can squander their birthright by excessive thinking, worry, overwork or overindulging in food and sexual activity. Even before we reach the threshold of middle age, it is crucial to protect, preserve and supplement the Qi of the Kidney Network both the Yin and Yang Essences in order to sustain the capacity to reproduce, as well as to nurture the continuous process of growing that begins at the fortuitous moment of our birth.

The Kidney Qi or Essence is the source of bodily life. Like the roots of a tree, the Kidney anchors us within our somatic terrain, enriching it with the essences (nutrients) that enable us to survive, grow and reproduce. Occasional stress from physical strain, work, recreation, sexual excess, the normal demands of pregnancy, childbirth, multiple pregnancies, improper eating and emotional and mental strain can deplete the Kidney Qi and overdraw our Essence account. Consequently, legions of Chinese traditional herbalists have proclaimed that, in spite of the harshness and difficulty of living, proper care for our Essence (Jing) and Mind (Shen) can confer health, fertility and sexual health for as long as 100 years! The liveliness of Essence and Mind depends upon the Kidney Network that stores, conserves, and apportions the Original Essence (Yuan Jing) with which we are endowed at birth. This beginning endowment in our Essence account, and the rate at which it is spent, determines the quality and span of our material existence as well as our potential to live vigorous, creative, passionate and generous lives well into our golden years.

Modern physiology suggests that the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis, along with the organs of internal secretion (pineal, thyroid, pancreas, ovaries and testes), support the primary mechanisms of metabolism, perception, cognition, growth, regeneration, reproduction and maturation. These organs or glands produce complex protein molecules (polypeptides and steroids), commonly called hormones, that are the material agents that communicate with and inform each and every cell, enabling all the tissues of the organism to function in a coordinated and efficacious manner to behave intelligently. These functions parallel the role of the Kidney Network.

Passion Potion supports the Kidney Network and the Essences (Jing) that nourish blood, tissue and bone, and supporting a healthy nervous system. By this means, Passion Potion benefits the body’s intelligence and its capacity for healthy sexual activity, fertility, overall wellbeing and long life.


The core of this formula is the classical Kidney Qi Pill (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan) devised by Zhang Zhong Jing in the 3rd century. This genre of formula addresses the Kidney as the repository of Essence (Jing) and the source of Original Yang (Yuan Yang) and Original Yin (Yuan Yin) which provides the initiating spark and primal substance from which a human life arises.

The herbs in this formula replenish Yin and fortify Yang. In addition, they enhance the circulation and distribution of Moisture and Blood, strengthen the Heart, enliven the Shen-Mind and promote harmonic relationship between the Kidney and Heart, Jing and Shen.

Chinese yam rhizome, processed Polygonum multiflorum root, Ligustrum fruit, Lycium fruit, White peony root and Anemarrhena rhizome replenish Essence, restore Moisture and nourish Blood, thereby strengthening the Kidney and Liver, enriching the Marrow (Sui), supporting the brain and nervous system and benefiting the strength and resilience of skin, sinew and bone.

Achyranthes root, Drynaria rhizome, Eucommia bark, Curculigo rhizome and Epimedium herb fortify Vital Heat (Ming huo), warming the Kidney, activating circulation in the Lower Burner (Xia Jiao) and promoting the transformation of Yin fluids into Essence and urine.

White atractylodes rhizome, Poria, Asian water plantain rhizome and Chinese quince fruit strengthen the Spleen, distribute Moisture and dispel Wind and Dampness from the interior and the surface, thereby dispersing accumulations of Moisture (Dampness) in the Three Burning Spaces (San Jiao) and the spaces in which the acupuncture points of the ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows and shoulders are located.

Chinese salvia root and rhizome, White Asian ginseng root and rhizome and Schisandra fruit activate the Blood, strengthen the Heart, enliven the Spirit and secure the bond between the Kidney and Heart. Chinese salvia root and rhizome, White peony root, Anemarrhena rhizome and Asian water plantain rhizome moderate the warming effect of the other ingredients.

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