Metal Worker - Peacemakers
Gentle Warriors
Harmonizes Lung-Liver and Heart- Lung. Supplements Lung Yin, subdues Liver Yang, dispels Phlegm, calms Shen, clears the Mind, dispels Wind and Heat, supports Spleen and Stomach.
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- Herb: White peony root, Lycium fruit, Dry fried sour jujube seed, Lily bulb, White atractylodes rhizome, Dry fried millet or rice sprout, Aromatic Solomon’s seal rhizome, Prepared cyperus rhizome , Purple aster root and rhizome, Silk tree flower, Platycodon root, White mulberry leaf, Polygala root, Chinese licorice root and rhizome, Amber resin
- Herb (Pinyin): Bai shao, Gou qi zi, Chao suan zao ren, Bai he, Bai zhu, Chao gu ya, Yu zhu, Zhi xiang fu, Zi wan, He huan hua, Jie geng, Sang ye, Yuan zhi, Gan cao, Hu po
- Indications: Dry skin and/or hair, Supports emotional wellbeing, Stiff neck and shoulders, Supports healthy Lungs, Supports a healthy elimination system, Occasional chilly hands and feet, Occasional itching and/or prickling sensations, Occasional tension, Lacks thirst, Occasional joint, lower back or leg discomfort
- Contraindications: Caution with Indigestion, Caution with Diarrhea, Caution with Constipation, Caution with Gastroenteritis
Metal Worker modulates the dynamic of the Metal Triangle. This means harmonizing the interaction between both Metal and Wood (Lung and Liver) and Fire and Metal (Heart and Lung). It is the key formula for the Metal Child.
The relationship between the Lung and Liver is concerned with harmonizing the upward and downward movement of Blood and Qi, Yin and Yang. The Liver raises the Yang (Ministerial Fire) upward from the Lower Burner, activating the movement of Qi and Blood from the body’s core outward to the extremities. The Lung descends and precipitates, moving Qi and Moisture downward and inward from the exterior and the Upper Burner to the core. Because the Liver and Lung govern the interface between the skin, nerves, tendons, ligaments, muscles and luo vessels, their integrated functions serve to defend the exterior layers of the body from adverse environmental influences, both physical and social.
The Lung has dominion over the Qi. By ruling the Qi, the Lung initiates and synchronizes the body’s rhythms and cycles: exhaling and inhaling, pulsation of the heart and arteries, the expansion and contraction of the brain and spinal cord, the peristaltic waves in the gut, the cycle of sleeping and waking, the menstrual cycle and the opening and closing of the pores in the skin. Of course the power of the Lung is not activated until the newborn takes a first breath. Prior to birth, the impulse originating in the Dan Tian – the locale of the Life Gate (Ming Men) – initiates and sustains the movements of Qi during the development of the embryo and the fetus.
The Heart and the Lung inhabit the Upper Burner and together govern the equitable circulation and dissemination of Blood and Qi throughout body and mind. The Heart is Yang within Yang (Upper Burner) – it fills and empties itself by actively expanding and contracting (Yang). The Lung is Yin within Yang (Upper Burner) – it fills and empties itself by passively inflating and collapsing (Yin). The Heart rules the Blood – it propels the Blood through vessels. The Lung is Yin within Yang (Upper Burner). Through its alchemical power to fuse and transform Food Qi (Gu Qi) and Air Qi (Da Qi) into the Genuine Qi (Zhen Qi), and because of the authority it has over all rhythms and cycles, it complements and modulates the Heart Qi, equalizing circulation and steadying the flow of thoughts in the mind.
The Triangle of Metal-Wood-Fire (Lung-Liver-Heart) is critical to the coordinated, regular and predictable processes of daily life while awake and asleep.
White atractylodes rhizome, dry fried Millet or Rice sprout, Aromatic Solomon’s seal rhizome and Chinese licorice root and rhizome orient this formula around the Middle Burner. Since the Lung is the focus of this formula, Aromatic Solomon’s seal rhizome is included because it supports both the Lung and Spleen Qi, but is particularly suited to supplementing the Yin Moisture of the Lung.
Lycium fruit, White peony root, prepared Cyperus rhizome and dry fried Sour jujube seed supplement the Blood, regulate the Qi and tone down the Yang of the Liver. Lily bulb, Purple aster root and rhizome, Polygala root and Platycodon root support the Lung by supplementing Yin Moisture, dispelling Phlegm and assisting its descending function.
Lily bulb harmonizes the Lung and Heart and, along with Polygala root and dry fried Sour jujube seed, allays occasional anxious thought and melancholic feelings. The combination of Silk tree flower, Polygala root and Amber resin bolster the Heart by clearing the senses and soothing the Mind (Shen).
White mulberry leaf and Lycium fruit nourish the Yin and Blood of the Lung and Liver. They also dispel the Wind and Heat that adversely affects both the Liver and Lung, thus harmonizing their mutual efforts to govern Blood and Qi, Ying and Wei.
- Gracious, upright, modest, respectful, reliable.
- Meticulous, methodical.
- Perfectionistic, ritualistic, dogmatic.
- Likes clear rules, boundaries, expectations.
- Stiff, tight, inflexible, finicky, aloof.
- Dislikes conflict and changes in rules and routines.
- Easily disappointed, offended, disillusioned.
- Ethical, high standards, understands value and utility.
- Constrained Upper Burner Qi.
- Suppression of Liver and Heart Yang.
- Contraction of Qi
- Accretion of Heat and Dryness.
- Attrition of Moisture.
- Disturbance of Po, Hun and Shen.
- Qi and Moisture unable to descend to Lower Burner.