Jade Windscreen
Yu ping feng san
Kan Traditionals
Supplements the Lung and Defensive (Wei) Qi, stabilizes the Exterior and fortifies the Spleen.
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- Herb: Astragalus root, White atractylodes rhizome, Siler root, Chinese cinnamon twig, White peony root, Chinese yam rhizome, Black jujube fruit
- Herb (Pinyin): Huang qi, Bai zhu, Fang feng, Gui zhi, Bai shao, Shan yao, Hei zao
- Pattern: Defensive (Wei) Qi and Lung Qi deficiency
- Actions: Supplements the Lung and Defensive (Wei) Qi, stabilizes the Exterior and fortifies the Spleen
- Indications: Occasional fatigue, lethargy, Supports the immune system, Supports general wellbeing, Supports healthy respiratory functions, Supports healthy Lungs
- Contraindications: Contraindicated during a Wind Cold or Wind Heat invasion.
- Tongue: Pale, puffy with a thin white coating.
- Pulse: Floating or forceless and thready.
Jade Windscreen is based on the classical formula, Jade Windscreen Powder (Yu Ping Feng San), a quintessential formula to bolster the Defensive (Wei) Qi, the first line of defense against Wind invasions, including weather and environmental challenges. It may also be taken for a sudden Wind Cold invasion by an individual that is too deficient to take a purely dispersing formula.
Within the herbal strategy of Stabilizing the Exterior and the Lungs, Jade Windscreen is a renowned formula for building Defensive (Wei) Qi. Our version of this formula has been modified with the addition of herbs to harmonize the Nutritive (Ying) and Defensive (Wei) Qi, and further supplement the Middle Burner and Qi. It is generally used long-term and ideally taken for at least a month, to several months. Those with a weakened immunity will benefit from its assistance in supporting general health, and the immune system in particular. It is an important pediatric formula to foster and support a strong immune system.
To fortify the Exterior and powerfully strengthen the Qi, a large dosage of Astragalus root, considered the emperor herb in this formula, is used. As it benefits the exterior aspects of the Lungs and Spleen, it is especially appropriate for addressing the pattern of weak Qi and unstable Defensive (Wei) Qi. Its deputy, White atractylodes rhizome reinforces the actions of Astragalus, by strengthening the Spleen Qi. White atractylodes rhizome and Astragalus root are the foundation for this formula’s tonifying and strengthening actions. The Spleen is the source of Qi and Blood, and its increased strength stabilizes the Exterior. Siler root assists by energetically circulating in the exterior level of the body and expelling Wind, the major invading factor of concern. Together with Astragalus root, it expels invasions before they have a chance to linger and, due to the tonifying effect of Astragalus root, accomplishes this without weakening the Qi.
Several herbs have been added to harmonize the Defensive (Wei) and Nutritive (Ying) Qi, and further tonify the Qi and the Middle Burner. Sweet, acrid and warm Chinese cinnamon twig, a classical addition for this formula, is paired with sour and slightly cold White peony root to supplement and harmonize the Defensive and Nutritive Qi, consolidating the surface layer of the body and addressing Qi deficiency. Chinese yam rhizome moistens and strengthens the Lungs and Kidneys and secures the Essence. Black jujube fruit tonifies Qi and Blood, generates fluids,tonifies the Spleen, augments the Qi, calms the Spirit, and harmonizes the properties of the other herbs. Jade Windscreen is an excellent choice for adults and children alike to bolster immunity and support wellbeing.
Jade Windscreen Powder (Yu Ping Feng San) originally appeared in Heartfelt Method of Dan-Xi’s Method (Dan Xi Zhi Fa Xin Yao) by Zhu Dan-Xi, written in 1481. Since this formula acts as a shield or barrier against Wind invasion, it was considered to be as valuable and precious as jade, hence the name. Our version of this formula has been modified from the original formula with the addition of herbs to harmonize the Nutritive (Ying) and Defensive (Wei) Qi, and further supplement the Middle Burner and Qi.