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Great Mender Formula

Jin Gu Die Da Shang Wan

Kan Traditionals

Promotes Blood circulation, moves Blood stasis, clears Heat, nourishes the sinews, bones and tendons, nourishes the Liver and Kidneys.

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Great Mender Formula, developed in 1842 for use in martial arts training, is one version of formulas typically referred to as Die Da formulas; they have a rich history dating back at least 2,500 years. These formulas invigorate Blood, clear Heat from the channels and tonify the Liverand Kidney to nourish the tendons, ligaments and bones.

This formula nourishes the Kidney, the source of all Qi in the body, to support overall vitality and healthy water metabolism, and to ensure healthy fluid distribution in the channels. It nourishes the Liver to ensure a smooth flow of Qi and Blood throughout the body, which is vital for the support of healthy tendons and sinews. The Heart channel is also nourished with the inclusion of herbs that enter the Heart channel and support healthy blood vessels. Together, Liver and Heart support healthy blood circulation and a healthy blood flow throughout the channels and collaterals. Great Mender Formula also includes herbs that directly strengthen the tissues such as tendons, sinews, bones and blood vessels.

Historical usage of this formula suggests that it would be well suited for individuals with a particularly active lifestyle. However its usage is broader, as it can be used for any pattern requiring Blood invigoration, the clearing of Heat from the channels, the nourishment of tendons, sinews, bones and blood vessels, and the support of the Liver, Kidney and Heart.

Tienchi ginseng root and rhizome, the chief herb in the formula, is renowned for its ability to invigorate and restrain Blood simultaneously; it combines well with the other Blood invigorators and Blood tonics in the formula. Sichuan teasel root is an important herb for supporting healthy bones and tendons, nourishing Liver and Kidney, while dispelling stagnation in the collaterals. It also expels Wind Damp Cold Bi stagnation from the tendons and sinews, and works especially well in combination with Dragon’s blood palm resin to support the Blood, and healthy bones and tendons.

Frankincense resin and Myrrh resin are a typical combination to invigorate the Blood, dispel stasis in the channels and disperse Wind Cold Damp Bi stagnation. Dong quai root, Carthamus flower, Sparganium rhizome and dry fried peeled Peach seed further support the actions of this pair by invigorating while simultaneously nourishing the Blood. Tree peony root bark and Chinese red peony root dispel the Heat that can easily accumulate from Blood stagnation. Drynaria rhizome tonifies the Kidney and nourishes the bones. Bitter orange immature fruit and White peony root dispel the Qi stagnation that can result from Blood stasis, while the latter also nourishes the Blood. Sandalwood promotes the smooth flow of Qi with its intensely aromatic nature. Siler root expels accumulated Wind Dampness. Chinese licorice root and rhizome tonifies the Spleen, augments the Qi, clears Heat, moderates occasional spasm, and harmonizes the actions of the other herbs in the formula.

Overall, this powerful combination of herbs supports healthy tendons, bones, sinews, invigorates the Blood and the channels, and breaks up Blood stagnation patterns.

Great Mender Formula can be combined with Women’s Precious for underlying Qi and Blood deficiency. It can also combine with Dispel Stasis in the Mansion of Blood for stronger patterns of Blood stagnation above the Middle Burner, and with Dispel Stasis in the Lower Burner for stronger patterns of Blood stagnation, especially with Cold in the Lower Burner.

Tendon and Bone Formula (Jin Gu Die Da Shang Wan). This formula was originally developed in 1842.