Glehnia and Rehmannia Combination
Yi Guan Jian
Kan Essentials
Tonifies Liver Blood and Yin, spreads Liver Qi.
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- Herb: Raw rehmannia root, Lycium fruit, Dong quai root, Ophiopogon tuber, Glehnia root, Melia fruit
- Herb (Pinyin): Sheng di huang, Gou qi zi, Dang gui shen, Mai men dong, Bei sha shen, Chuan lian zi
- Pattern: Liver Blood deficiency, Liver Qi stagnation, Liver Yin deficiency
- Actions: Nourish Liver Yin and Blood, Regulate Liver Qi
- Indications: Supports healthy blood pressure, fear aggression, Heat intolerance, heat lodged in the joints and skin., timidity, Increased thirst, Occasional separation anxiety, Occasional eye, ear or facial redness or dryness in animals, low-grade itch, Occasional nausea and indigestion, Weight loss despite normal stools and an increased appetite, Supports healthy liver enzymes, Dry eyes in animals
- Tongue: pale or lavender
- Pulse: Wiry
Glehnia and Rehmannia Combination (Yi Guan Jian) was first published as One Linking Decoction (Yi Guan Jian) in The Continuation of Famous Physician’s Cases Organized by Categories, written by Wei Zhi-Xiu in 1770. The phrase “One Linking” refers to the formulas ability to deal with a variety of disparate patterns, all stemming from the single diagnosis of Liver Blood and Yin deficiency with Qi stagnation.
The structure of Glehnia and Rehmannia Combination is relatively simple. Lycium fruit and Dong quai root nourish Liver Blood while raw Rehmannia root clears Empty Heat. Raw Rehmannia root also ensures adequate Kidney Yin. Glehnia root moistens the Stomach Yin, and Ophiopogon tuber moistens the Lung Yin when they have become injured by the combined effects of stasis Heat and Empty Heat. Melia fruit is the sole bitter element among all the sweet-tasting tonics. It serves to regulate stagnant Liver Qi, and also ensures the formula is not too cloying to a compromised Middle Burner.