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Four Wonders

Si miao wan

Kan Traditionals

Clears Damp Heat in the Lower Burner, dries Dampness, strengthens the Spleen, invigorates the Blood.

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Four Wonders is a faithful rendition of Four-Marvel Pill (Si Miao Wan), itself a variation of Two Marvels Powder (Er Miao San), a classical formula addressing Damp Heat that may occur subsequently to an invasion from the Exterior or from excess Dampness that transforms into Heat in the Interior. While Damp Heat may affect all three Burners, it tends to settle in the Lower Burner. Four Wonders can also address a pattern known as Hot Leg Qi (Re Jiao Qi), caused by an invasion of Dampness, or by internally generated Heat and Dampness pouring downward to the legs and feet. Four Wonders supports the Spleen, dries Dampness, drains Damp Heat lodged in the Lower Burner, and invigorates the Blood.

The chief herb in Four Wonders, Phellodendron bark, drains Damp Heat in the Lower Burner, directs Kidney Fire downward and drains Fire. Cang-zhu atractylodes rhizome strongly dries Dampness and strengthens the Spleen. It is especially useful in addressing Dampness obstructing the Middle Burner or Lower Burner, and blocking the transportive and transformative functions of the Spleen. Combined with Phellodendron bark, it addresses stagnation lodged in the lower extremities or skin due to Wind Dampness. Job’s tears seed strengthens the Spleen, facilitates the resolution of Dampness, and eliminates accumulations. It leaches out Dampness from the bones, sinews and muscles, and clears Heat. Achyranthes root clears Damp Heat, breaks up Blood stasis and quickens the Blood.

Combine with Invigorate the Collaterals or Drive Out Stasis to more strongly address Blood stagnation.

Four-Marvel Pill, which is a modification of Two-Marvel Powder (Er Miao San), is a simple, yet elegant formula aimed at drying and clearing Damp Heat lodged in the Lower Burner. This modification is found in the Convenient Reader of Established Formulas (Cheng Fang Bian Du),
written by Zhang Bing-Cheng in the early part of the 20th century.