Feed Memory
Sage Solutions
Nourishes and activates Qi and Blood, invigorates Qi of Kidney and Heart, supports mental and sensory acuity, tonifies Qi and Blood and nourishes the Brain.
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- Herb: Reishi fruiting body, Schisandra fruit, Ginkgo leaf, Altaica rhizome, White Asian ginseng root and rhizome, Biota seed, Sichuan lovage rhizome, Chinese salvia root and rhizome, Silk tree flower, Silk tree bark, Turmeric rhizome, Myrrh resin, Dry fried sour jujube seed, Turmeric root tuber, Polygala root, Borneol crystal
- Herb (Pinyin): Ling zhi, Wu wei zi, Yin guo ye, Jiu jie chang pu, Bai ren shen, Bai zi ren, Chuan xiong, Dan shen, He huan hua, He huan pi, Jiang huang, Mo yao, Chao suan zao ren, Yu jin, Yuan zhi, Mei pian
- Indications: Occasional diminished sensory acuity, Occasional loss of mental clarity and alertness, Occasional decreased capacity for sustained attention and concentration, Sensation of dullness, fuzziness or heaviness in the head, Occasional dizziness or feeling of disequilibrium
- Contraindications: Concussion, Stroke, Unconsciousness, During pregnancy or while nursing
The brain is one of the curious organs, along with bone marrow, bones, blood vessels, the uterus and gallbladder. What makes these organs special is that they each generate, distribute, maintain or preserve a substance: the Gallbladder generates, stores and distributes bile; the bones contain the marrow, the repository and source for the Essence necessary for forming Moisture, Blood and tissue; the blood vessels contain and conduct the Blood; the uterus is the dwelling of the Yin and Yang Essences that enable it to grip, nourish and protect the fetus; and the brain is the effulgence of the purest Essences of the Kidney and Ming Men.
Ancient Chinese herbalists were aware of the brain’s profound influence over life and consciousness, but they did not develop a complex explanatory model of its nature and function. All channels meet at the head, and the Qi and Blood enter the brain via the Governing and Penetrating Vessels (Du and Chong Mai) whose primal source is in the Kidney and Ming Men. The brain therefore represents the ultimate co-mingling of the body’s Original (Yuan), acquired (Hou Tian) and transmuted (Bian Hua) substances, essences and experiences. The Kidney engenders the substantive brain and governs its role as the Sea of Marrow, while the Heart creates and sustains its function and governs its role as the seat of consciousness or Hall of the Mind (Tang Jing Shen). Thus, while the Lung, Spleen and Liver assist the brain by providing nourishment in the form of Qi, Moisture and Blood, it is the relationship between the Kidney and Heart − the Essence (Jing) and Mind (Shen) − that is crucial.
An occasional dullness or fuzziness of sensory, intellectual, expressive or integrative faculties may indicate a disharmony of Essence-Mind (Jing-Shen) or a disruption of the concordance between the Kidney and Heart. Knowledge gained from investigations in psycho-neuro- immunology, cognitive science and gerontology suggests that our brains can remain healthy and actually continue to adapt as we age. As long as the quality of our Qi, Blood, Essence and Marrow are adequately maintained, our mental powers will remain vigorous, and they may even expand.
Feed Memory nourishes and invigorates the brain by tonifying Qi and Blood, strengthening the Kidney and Heart, encouraging circulation, removing stagnation, calming Shen, unblocking the senses and benefiting mental alertness.
The leading ingredients in this formula are Ginkgo leaf, Schisandra fruit and Reishi fruiting body, and each has unique properties that benefit the brain. Although Ginkgo seeds (Bai guo) have been referenced in Chinese Materia Medicas since the 14th century, the benefits of Ginkgo leaves (Yin guo ye) were first described about 600 years ago by Liu Wen-tai in the Ben Cao Pin Hui Jing Yao as a tonic for digestion and circulation. For the last fifteen years Ginkgo leaf has been used throughout Europe and Asia to support healthy circulation and to benefit the eyes, ears and brain. Modern herbal research has shown Gingko leaf to have these effects: antioxidantizing, oxygen-enriching, supporting healthy vascular tone and vasodilation, peripheral and cerebral blood flow, benefiting cerebral metabolism and supporting the health of the lungs and the vessels of the heart and lungs.
Schisandra fruit has been traditionally used to strengthen the Kidney and Heart, consolidate Essence and quiet the Shen/Mind. It is often used for occasional forgetfulness, irritability and insomnia in combination with other herbs that address Heart Blood and Qi deficiencies. Modern research indicates that it supports healthy neuro-muscular reflexes, normal blood pressure and blood sugar, supports visual and tactile acuity and generally supports the organism’s ability to cope with stress.
Reishi fruiting body tonifies Blood and Qi, brightens the eyes, strengthens the Liver, calms the Spirit, improves memory and generally supports optimal health and quality of life. It benefits the brain and replenishes Essence (Jing).
The additional herbs, dry fried Sour jujube seed, Biota seed, Polygala root and Silk tree bark and flower nourish the Heart, quiet the Shen/ Mind, support healthy neural function and elevate the spirit. Sichuan lovage rhizome, Turmeric root and rhizome, Myrrh resin and Chinese salvia root and rhizome decongest and activate the Blood and Qi of the Liver and Heart, amplifying the beneficial properties of Ginkgo leaf to support hepatic, coronary and cerebral micro-circulation.
Altaica rhizome, in combination with Polygala root and Borneol crystal, dispels Phlegm, clears the senses and revives the brain-mind. Finally, White Asian ginseng root and rhizome tonifies Original Qi (Yuan qi), replenishes Essence (Jing), strengthens the Heart, calms the Mind (Shen) and supports the brain. It also supports the adaptive responses of the Central Nervous System.