Early Comfort
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
Kan Herbals
Transforms Dampness and resolves the Exterior, rectifies the Qi, harmonizes the Middle Burner.
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- Herb: Patchouli herb, Perilla leaf, Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit, White atractylodes rhizome, Magnolia bark, Ginger cured pinellia rhizome, Poria, Fragrant angelica root, Saussurea root, Ginger rhizome, Dry fried barley sprout, Medicated leaven
- Herb (Pinyin): Guang huo xiang, Zi su ye, Chen pi, Bai zhu, Hou po, Jiang ban xia, Fu ling, Bai zhi, Mu xiang, Gan jiang, Chao mai ya , Shen qu
- Pattern: Internal Damp stagnation with surface contraction of Wind Cold
- Actions: Transforms Dampness and resolves the Exterior, rectifies the Qi, Harmonize Middle Burner
- Indications: Supports a healthy digestive system, nausea, Aversion to cold or chilliness, Occasional bloating, distension, or discomfort, especially after large meals, aversion to food, Occasional muddled thinking or apathy, Occasional vomiting and diarrhea, Can be used to assist with occasional dysenteric complaints, Sensation of heaviness of the limbs or body, Occasional loss of taste
- Tongue: Pale with thick, greasy white or light yellow coating, swollen, damp with possible teeth marks.
- Pulse: Soggy, moderate, sometimes slippery. If there is a stronger external factor, the pulse will be floating. If the Middle Burner is severely blocked, the middle position on the right will be noticeably full.
Early Comfort is a very useful formula for an impressive variety of digestive and gastrointestinal disharmonies. Originally recorded in the famous dictionary, Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era (Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang), it is very useful for Triple Burner (San jiao) imbalances, with accumulation of Dampness throughout the San jiao, leading to a slowing of metabolism, heaviness and a loss of the transportation and transformation (Yun hua) of food and fluids due to decreased functioning of the Spleen and Triple Burner.
Externally contracted Wind Cold, either from sudden weather changes in the warm season, air conditioning, swimming or cold food and drink that blocks the surface and Defensive (Wei) Qi. At the same time, there is internal Damp accumulation from seasonal Qi (late Summer Heat and Dampness), damage from cold or spoiled food and drink or weak Spleen-San Jiao function. The surface Wind Cold exacerbates the internal Damp accumulation, leading to temporary bloating, nausea, aversion to food, a loss of taste, stuffy chest and a greasy tongue coat.
Early Comfort is a valuable ally when one is exposed to questionable water and food or when traveling in foreign lands, as it adjusts the Spleen and San Jiao Qi.
As a primarily salutary formula against external invasions of Wind Cold, psychological indications are generally side-effects of the above-mentioned patterns. They may include occasional lethargy, apathy to daily affairs, clouded thinking and sometimes mild depression, or an all-pervading feeling of stagnation affecting one’s mental and emotional outlook.
Early Comfort (Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San) was originated in 1151 C.E. and published in the encyclopedia Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era (Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang). It was further modified by Wu Ju-Tong in his Systematic Differentiation (Wen Bing Tiao Bian), written in 1798. Modifications to this formula are based on discussions in this book, which lists five modifications of “Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi” (Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San).
Areca has been deleted, and Dry fried barley sprout and Medicated leaven have been added to strengthen the Spleen.
Patchouli herb aromatically transforms Dampness, releases the exterior and dispels Summer Heat. It is especially useful for transforming Dampness that is obstructing the Middle Burner. It is spicy, aromatic and slightly warm, and enters the Lung, Spleen and Stomach meridians.
Perilla leaf disperses Wind and Cold and promotes the descending and dispersing of the Lung Qi. It also descends Stomach Qi. It is warm and pungent, entering the Lung and Spleen meridians.
Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit normalizes the Qi flow, regulates the Middle Burner and dries Dampness. It is warm, pungent and slightly bitter, and enters the Lung and Stomach meridians.
White atractylodes rhizome is a major herb to strengthen the Spleen and Stomach, harmonize the Middle Burner and transform Dampness. It aromatically awakens the Spleen to perform its function of transformation and transportation (Yun hua). It is warm, bitter and sweet. It enters the Heart, Spleen, Stomach and Triple Burner meridians.
Magnolia bark is a major herb for regulating the Qi, warming the Middle Burner, drying Damp and dispelling accumulation. It supports healthy digestive function. It is warm, bitter and pungent, entering the Spleen, Stomach and Large Intestine meridians.
Ginger cured Pinellia rhizome is used in this formula to dry Dampness and transform Phlegm. It is a valuable herb when Dampness and Phlegm “gunk up the works,” leading to loss of clarity in thinking and action. It is warm, dry and pungent, and enters the Spleen and Stomach meridians.
Poria mildly strengthens the Spleen and dispels Damp through the urine. It protects the Spleen and Stomach, mildly tonifies the Qi, and aids in releasing Dampness from the system. It will help balance out the moisture of the body, supporting normal urinary function. It is bland, mildly sweet and neutral. It enters the Heart, Spleen and Lung meridians.
Fragrant angelica root dries Damp and aromatically invigorates the Spleen. It is warm and pungent, entering the Lung, Spleen and Stomach meridians.
Saussurea root is a Qi regulator that warms the Middle Burner and harmonizes the Stomach and Intestines. Its aromatic quality is soothing and dispels turbidity, restoring clarity to both thought and action. It is warm, bitter, pungent and aromatic. It enters the Lung, Liver and Spleen meridians.
Ginger rhizome warms the Middle Burner and dispels Cold. Ginger rhizome is very warm and pungent, entering the Spleen, Stomach and Lung meridians.
Dry fried Barley sprout disperses stagnant food, harmonizes and supplements the Middle Burner and promotes Qi flow. It relieves the sensation of distention and fullness in the abdomen. It is slightly warm and mildly sweet. It enters the Spleen and Stomach meridians.
Medicated leaven strengthens and supplements the Spleen and Stomach and supports digestion. It is warm, sweet and pungent, entering the Spleen and Stomach meridians.