Clear the Lower Palace
Wen dai tang and Bei xie fen qing yin
Kan Traditionals
Drains Dampness, separates clear and turbid fluids, clears Heat and tonifies Spleen Qi.
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- Herb: Dry fried white atractylodes rhizome, Dry fried Chinese yam rhizome, Oyster shell, Dragon bone, Dry fried white peony root, Tokoro yam rhizome, Poria, Cnidium fruit, Cang-zhu atractylodes rhizome, Dry fried plantain seed, Phellodendron bark, Altaica rhizome, Shrubby sophora root, Bupleurum root, Chinese salvia root and rhizome, Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit, White Asian ginseng root and rhizome, Schizonepeta herb
- Herb (Pinyin): Chao bai zhu, Chao shan yao, Duan mu li, Long gu, Chao bai shao, Bi xie , Fu ling, She chuang zi, Cang zhu, Chao che qian zi, Huang bai, Jiu jie chang pu, Ku shen, Chai hu, Dan shen, Chen pi, Bai ren shen, Jing jie
- Pattern: Spleen Qi deficiency, Excess or deficiency in the Girdle Vessel (Dai Mai), Spleen Qi deficiency with Dampness in Lower Burner
- Actions: Drain Dampness, separates clear and turbid fluids, Clear Damp Heat in the Lower Burner, Drain Damp Heat, Tonify Spleen Qi
- Indications: Occasional fatigue, lethargy, Sensation of heaviness in the Lower body or Lower Burner, Occasional loose stools, Supports gynecological health, Transforms Dampness in the Lower Burner, Occasional thin vaginal discharge
- Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy., Caution should be used in the case of Yin deficiency patterns., Contraindicated if there are Heat signs.
- Tongue: Pale or red, white or yellow coat.
- Pulse: Slippery, weak, possibly rapid, soggy.
Clear the Lower Palace is a combination of two classical herbal formulas for Lower Burner Dampness caused by Spleen Qi deficiency, and either a weakness or excess in the Girdle Vessel (Dai Mai). End Discharge Decoction (Wan Dai Tang) is beneficial for tonifying the Middle Burner, strengthening the Spleen and transforming Dampness. Decoction to Separate the Clear (Bei Xie Fen Qing) clears Heat, resolves Dampness and separates the “clear from the turbid”. By combining these two classical formulas, Clear the Lower Palace dispels and transforms Dampness lodged in the Lower Burner while strengthening the Spleen, and addresses both deficiency and excess patterns simultaneously.
The Girdle Vessel is a unique Extraordinary channel, in that it is the only channel that courses horizontally through the body, running through the abdomen and traversing all major and Extraordinary meridians, which are all oriented vertically. The Girdle Vessel also has a close relationship with the Spleen, Kidney and Liver meridians, and various patterns may develop when it becomes excessive or deficient, such as Spleen Qi deficiency or Liver Qi stagnation. If Spleen is weakened, stagnant fluids develop and become turbid and heavy. If the Liver, which governs the free flow of Qi in the body, is out of balance, it can impair the Spleen by weakening or overpowering it, leading to the creation of more Dampness accumulating in the Lower Burner of the body.
The chief herbs in the formula are dry fried White Atractylodes rhizome and dry fried Chinese yam rhizome. Working synergistically, they dry Dampness, tonify the Spleen and bind the Essence. Both herbs enter the Extraordinary vessels, and support the Girdle Vessel. Dry fried Chinese yam rhizome tonifies the Qi of the Spleen and Kidney. Dragon bone is very effective at securing the normal Qi, while supporting the elimination of stagnant accumulations from the Lower Burner. They both guide the formula to the Girdle Vessel.
White Asian ginseng root and rhizome strongly tonifies Qi and strengthens the Spleen, Cang-zhu Atractylodes rhizome and dry fried Plantain seed dry and leach Dampness through the urine. Dry fried White peony root and Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit soften the Liver and regulate Spleen Qi.
Bupleurum root relieves Liver Qi constraint and facilitates the ascent of the clear Yang, and Schizonepeta herb harmonizes the Liver and Spleen. Tokoro yam rhizome and Poria transform Dampness. Additionally, Tokoro yam rhizome is one of the most effective herb to address cloudy Gao Lin. Altaica rhizome warms the Urinary Bladder and dispels deficiency and Cold from the Lower Burner, while Phellodendron bark clears Damp Heat from the Lower Burner. Chinese salvia root and rhizome invigorates and tonifies Blood, clears Heat, and breaks up stasis lodged in the lower abdomen.
Four herbs were added to further enhance the effects of the formula. Shrubby sophora root and Cnidium fruit to increase the ability of the formula to dry Dampness, Dragon bone to calm the Liver and address disharmony of the Girdle Vessel (Dai Mai), and Oyster shell to tonify and quiet the Mind.
For further tonification of Spleen Qi and to drain Dampness accumulation, combine with Shen Ling Spleen Support.
ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENTEnd Discharge Decoction (Wan Dai Tang) was first found in The Women’s Discourse According to Fu Qing-Zhu (Fu Qing Zhu Nu Ke). Decoction to Separate the Clear (Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin) originated in Medical Revelations (Yi Xue Xin Wu).