Clear Mind
Bu nao wan
Kan Traditionals
Calms the Spirit (Shen), nourishes the Brain, transforms Heart Phlegm, extinguishes Liver Wind, nourishes Heart and Kideny Yin, strengthens Kidney Yang, nourishes Heart and Liver Blood.
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- Herb: Schisandra fruit, Dry fried sour jujube seed, Dong quai root, Biota seed, Lycium fruit, Walnut, Gastrodia rhizome, Amber resin, Altaica rhizome, Dragon bone, Prepared Chinese arisaema rhizome, Polygala root, Sharp-leaf ganangal fruit, Bamboo secretion
- Herb (Pinyin): Wu wei zi, Chao suan zao ren, Dang gui shen, Bai zi ren, Gou qi zi, Hu tao ren, Tian ma, Hu po, Jiu jie chang pu, Long gu, Zhi tian nan xing, Yuan zhi, Yi zhi ren, Tian zhu huang
- Pattern: Kidney deficiency, Heart Yin and Blood deficiency, Phlegm confounding the orifice of the Heart, Liver Blood deficiency engendering Wind, disturbed Spirit-Mind (Shen) and Etheral Soul (Hun)
- Actions: Calm Spirit (Shen), nourishes the Brain, transforms Heart Phlegm, Extinguishes Liver Wind, nourishes Heart and Kideny Yin, nourishes Heart and Liver Blood, Tonify and Warm Kidney Yang
- Indications: Occasional fatigue, lethargy, Occasional anxiety, depression, irritability, or agitation, Occasional insomnia, Supports a healthy nervous and cognitive system, Occasional foggy headedness, poor concentration or memory, Occasional absentmindedness, confusion or disorientation, nervousness or mental agitation, Restlessness
- Contraindications: Not for use with Wind Cold invasion., Use with caution in warm weather., Use with caution during pregnancy.
- Tongue: Pale, dry, red tip, possibly light red body.
- Pulse: Thin, rapid, slippery.
Clear Mind, based on Supplement Brain Pills (Bu Nao Wan), focuses on Heart Yin and Blood deficiency, Kidney deficiency and Liver Blood deficiency with internal Wind and Damp. This formula supplements Kidney and Blood, transforms and disperses Phlegm and extinguishesWind. It is very useful for Kidney deficient individuals who also exhibit some Phlegm accumulation and Spirit (Shen) disturbances.
When the Heart Blood has become depleted for some time, the Yin and Blood will be depleted and Wind will rise. Phlegm will often accumulate, misting the Mind and obscuring the Spirit (Shen). As a result, the Spirit-Mind will have no place to root itself, and will become unsettled and begin to wander. Clear Mind nourishes the Brain, Heart and Kidneys while building Blood and giving the Spirit-Mind a place to quietly rest.
The chief herb, Schisandra fruit enriches the Kidneys, nourishes the Liver, harmonizes Kidney and Heart, and quiets the Spirit while calming and containing the Heart Qi. Dry fried Sour jujube seed and Biota seed reinforce the actions of the chief herb by nourishing the Heart Yin and Liver Blood and quieting the Spirit. Dong quai root tonifies and invigorates Blood, especially of the Heart and Liver. Lycium fruit tonifies Kidney and Lung Yin, nourishes Liver Blood, mildly tonifies Kidney Yang, and benefits the Essence. Walnut tonifies the Kidneys, supports a healthy fluid metabolism and encourages bowel movement, providing an outlet for the Phlegm lodged in the upper body. Sharp-leaf ganangal fruit warms the Spleen and Stomach to harmonize the Middle and to support Kidney Yang. Amber resin settles and calms the Spirit, moves Blood and facilitates urination.
Gastrodia rhizome calms the Liver and extinguishes Wind. It addresses internal Liver Wind, whether caused by Heat or Cold. Altaica rhizome extinguishes Wind, opens the orifice, promotes the movement of Qi and strengthens the Stomach, addressing Dampness and turbidity obstructing the Middle Burner. Prepared Chinese arisaema rhizome dries Dampness and expels Phlegm, eliminates Wind Phlegm in the channels, while Bamboo secretion extinguishes Wind Heat, dislodges Phlegm, and opens the orifice. Polygala root transforms Phlegm, harmonizes Heart and Kidneys, calms the Spirit and quiets the Heart. Dragon bone calms the Liver, anchors and preserves the floating Yang, settles occasional anxiety and calms the Spirit.
Clear Mind addresses an underlying Kidney and Essence deficiency that causes a clouding of the Heart-Mind. Celestial Emperor’s Blend addresses an underlying Kidney Heart Yin deficiency that causes overall dryness and Spirit restlessness. Ascending Clarity clears excess Phlegm and Wind from the Head, with an underlying Spleen deficiency.
Combine with Six Gentlemen or Shen Ling Spleen Support for Spleen Qi tonification. For Liver Qi stagnation or Spleen Qi deficiency, combine with Free and Easy Wanderer.
Zhong Guo Ji Ben Zhong Chen Yao, Fundamentals of Chinese Prepared Herbal Text, 1988.